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Freddy Or Jason? - elfudge - 12-27-2004

PLEASE leave Mr. Myers out of this topic. The original \'Halloween\' is a classic, but that\'s not an issue.

I believe that Jason is our generations \'Frankenstein,\' and in time will be looked at that way.

Freddy, who I loved in the FIRST 2 \'Nightmares,\' was VERY scary and became icon and VERY popular in the 80\'s. Will the one liners hurt him or help him?

Whose memorabilia will be worth more in time?


Freddy Or Jason? - CreepingDead - 12-27-2004

Jason, because in 20 years they will still be making new Friday the 13th films. Hahahahahaha!

On the other hand, Jason can be played by any number of actors, while Freddy is just one guy - Robert Englud. When he dies, god forbid, that\'s it. No more Freddy (Well, until the inevitable remake in 2015 LOL). I\'d expect the price to raise on props and collectibles just as they would for any dead celebrity.

Freddy Or Jason? - gmyers - 12-27-2004

Quote:Jason, because in 20 years they will still be making new Friday the 13th films. Hahahahahaha!

On the other hand, Jason can be played by any number of actors, while Freddy is just one guy - Robert Englud. When he dies, god forbid, that\'s it. No more Freddy (Well, until the inevitable remake in 2015 LOL). I\'d expect the price to raise on props and collectibles just as they would for any dead celebrity.
Very true, I agree with your points. Once Robert throws in the glove, they MAY try to get someone else to play him. (they can use voice modifications). If they do, I mean I will still like anoes, but the popularity will soon go down, and anoes would die out. Possibily, causing the older anoes merchandises to raise. As for Jason, right now he\'s popular and it does somewhat matter who plays him, but not as much as freddy. At the moment, Jason things seem to be priced more because of his popularity, just look at the sideshow collectibles. But hey, who knows.....

Freddy Or Jason? - myers-san - 12-27-2004

JASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big Grin

Freddy Or Jason? - Mick7 - 12-27-2004

Jason for sure, he\'s gonna be around forever, like elfudge said, he\'s this generations frankenstein, and he aint goin away for a long time. Freddies reign of terror wont be around as long I\'d say, because without Robert Englund, there is no Freddy, just wouldent work, when he dies " Sad " they will probably try somebody new, and it wont work out.

and Hopefully in the near future, when the Jason flics are still being made, I might have a Chance to play the big man Big Grin

Freddy Or Jason? - fiend52 - 12-27-2004

I THINK they both have the same popularity. i have been fans of both for a long time and never could really pick one. in 20\'s kind of hard to say. Robert is no where near a young bird anymore and he could go in the next 20 years lets hope he lives longer then that. but you have to understand that when some things start to die out they become even stronger. you really don\'t have that with jason because he\'s not just one guy. so i can\'t be sure but i would stay it would be friday the 13th. just becuase it\'s been around a little longer and theres been more movies

Freddy Or Jason? - WilliamAbuJannah - 12-27-2004

they\'re both pop icons, they\'re popular for what they are as much as for who they are.

I think in 20 years \'the big 4\' will still have hardcore fans, but I don\'t expect to see a ANOES movie then. Wouldn\'t be surprised to see a Friday or HalloweeN movie in 2025 though.

that is if we\'re all still here. :o

Freddy Or Jason? - Tom - 12-27-2004

God i hope all the NIGHTOWL members live to see 2025! :o