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Foam Filling! - Printable Version

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Foam Filling! - VF31 - 04-05-2005

if u ever wanted a piece foam filled hit up mike he will do it at a great price, im prolly gonna get my diehard foam filled.... Smile

Foam Filling! - mike - 04-06-2005

well since so many people are asking how long will i be offerign this and that there short of cash i will do the first 20 mask for 15 each the first to send get its the deal i cant afford to do many like that but foam filling is the best way to show ur mask limited time only of to the guy who emails me and wants to send 5 mask i dotn know your user name but i can only do one at 15 in order to give others a chance if no one else gets it doen then u can have more spaces

Foam Filling! - mike - 04-06-2005

well heres a few pics i dotn fill my personal masks all the way cause u usally stuff excess part of the shirt in it as wel las stands but i can fil lhow ever u want..

also i figure if i ever need or want to pull the foam out then it would be easier to carve out this way,,but i can fill to the brim and make some clean purty edges

Foam Filling! - SPAZ - 04-06-2005

thats what I was going to ask cuz the ones I want to do have shirts
what about eyes
If I have eyes can you fill them in also?

Foam Filling! - mike - 04-06-2005

what u mean fill eyes?? u mean if there are view slits??

Foam Filling! - SPAZ - 04-06-2005

no glass eyes

Foam Filling! - mike - 04-06-2005

so your askin if i can fill a mask tha thas glass eyes?? are they glued in or jsut sittin inside the lids either way its not a prob

Foam Filling! - SPAZ - 04-06-2005

yeah thats what I mean
mine are just sitting in there

Foam Filling! - HorrorFX - 04-06-2005

i know this is going to be a really stupid question but, can i use the foam wall filler, for cracks in the wall ?,will that do the job, or what do u guys recomend from the hardware shop?
take care

Foam Filling! - Krazy Ken - 04-06-2005

if you are talking about the insulation type spray foam i have been told you cant use it and will eat the latex away