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Horror Hockey Masks & Joe Clift? - Printable Version

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Horror Hockey Masks & Joe Clift? - SkeletonMurderer - 02-27-2004

I found these beautiful undermasks on a site called Horror Hockey Masks run by a guy named Joe Clift. He\'s been selling pulls of the Part 3 Alex Oliver Jason on eBay. I talked to him several months ago and he seemed very eager to do business with me but never wrote back to finalize. Then more recently when the auction went up he said that he had a fulltime job and made some mad money selling pulls, but still has not communicated with me about SELLING me anything. He appears to be a really bad communicator amongst his clients (on his board there are people that haven\'t received masks for months, even years). What the hell is up with this guy? <_<
I asked Chris Russel of Twisted Toybox and he never heard of him. Hey Justin, you\'re pretty knowledgable of the community (especially among Jason mask collectors), do you know anything about this clown?

Horror Hockey Masks & Joe Clift? - UndeadGoalie - 02-27-2004

Don\'t waste your time with Joe. I think he\'s abandoned the whole mask making bit and taken off with peoples money. There\'s alot of unhappy people out there who have ordered masks from him and never got them. It\'s a bad situation. Hold off for a bit. Justin might be making a Part 3 undermask. Cropsy has a great Part 3 Bust as well. These guys are the true mask makers who you can trust and do business with. You\'ll never get ahold of Joe. Smile

Horror Hockey Masks & Joe Clift? - Jason-V - 02-27-2004

Yeah just ask G.Beninati!!

Horror Hockey Masks & Joe Clift? - goaliehack - 02-27-2004

Well, from the people I know that have ordered from him you will have to get very used to "Hello, youve reached the voice mail of Joe Clift" I suggest not wasting your time or money. I know he still has Garys X that he won\'t send back and he was also supposed to get a free mask like a year ago, then he turns the tables around and makes the customer look like the bad guy. Don\'t waste your time or money, even those its a damn shame he has that beautiful F3 sculpted by Alex Oliver. Sad

Horror Hockey Masks & Joe Clift? - Eddie - 02-27-2004

I\'m glad I got my G3 before all this came up.

But that\'s beside the point. Main point, Joe HAS run off with people\'s money and it is already clear that he has no plans to send out anyone\'s masks any time soon. I\'ve e-mailed him a couple of times, never got a response. At first his service was great, but now it just all went into the sh!tter.

Do not waste anymore of your hard-earned cash on Joe, when you can use it wisely on a NIGHTOWL original or a quality GOHS mask! Smile


Horror Hockey Masks & Joe Clift? - Andy - 02-27-2004

Have to agree here. I\'ve got a part 3 hockey from Joe and I love it but I bought it long before all the shit started happening over at his site. Some guys have been waiting for over 18 months for masks the\'ve paid for. I wont be ordering there again.

Horror Hockey Masks & Joe Clift? - Krypt Kreeper - 02-27-2004

I have a part3 from Joe and it\'s nice but far from accurate. I personally reccomend Cropsy, Justin, David Miller, Ded Kid, EfexAlive, Goalie Terror and JDF to name a few, those are people you can trust.

Horror Hockey Masks & Joe Clift? - SPAZ - 02-28-2004

STAY AWAY FROM HORROR HOCKEY MASKS you\'ll never see your mask
theres alot of pissed off ppl at Joe

Horror Hockey Masks & Joe Clift? - JasonX - 02-28-2004

I haven\'t heard that much about them sorry