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Jdf Studios - kirk myers - 06-28-2005

I was planning on purchasing a 3-D part 1 or 2 from JDF.
If any one has any pics of any of his hockey masks......pease be kind enough to post\'em for me Big Grin


Jdf Studios - SPAZ - 06-28-2005

[Image: 609660c6.jpg]
[Image: a475633b.jpg]
[Image: f7b8efb8.jpg]
[Image: f95eb51d.jpg]
[Image: d30bc34f.jpg]

Jdf Studios - Cap10Rhodes - 06-28-2005

I\'ll have some pics up in a week or two. I ordered a From The Grave 2 Part 6 mask. The shape of his hockey masks are fantastic and if my mask turns out like the one in the catalog I\'ll be very happy.

Jdf Studios - kirk myers - 06-28-2005

Spaz youve encouraged me :lol:
Im going to get the 3-D part 2

Cap10Rhodes, how long ago did you order one from him?

Jdf Studios - navicon - 06-28-2005

Here\'s my fiberglass 3-D:

Jdf Studios - Cap10Rhodes - 06-28-2005

About three weeks ago. I know he doesn\'t make masks full time so you\'re probably looking at a 4-6 week wait time on each order. I emailed him last week and he said it would be done in two weeks. So it should be just about done after next week.

Jdf Studios - kirk myers - 06-28-2005

Cool deal man
Ive got no problem with a wait.

Once I get the Hockey Mask, all that time will be payed off

Jdf Studios - Cory - 06-28-2005

where can I go to look at their hockey masks and see what they have available?


Jdf Studios - krazedkilla - 06-28-2005

[url=\"\"]JDF Studios [/url]

Jdf Studios - Cory - 06-28-2005

danke sir...I like their take on Roy...and their pt 6 is nice...3 ain\'t bad at all...