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My New Ecs1 Machete - Printable Version

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My New Ecs1 Machete - Acooljt - 09-10-2005

I actually got this a week or more ago, but haven\'t had the time to snap pictures, and I knew there was no point in tellin everyone it arrived until I had pics to go with. Glad I got in before MEGA closed up shop, what a beautiful piece. You really can\'t appreciate his work until you see it. I knew it would be good just from hearing reviews from everyone else, but you won\'t truly understand till you see his beautiful art. So without further adieu...

[Image: MVC-483F.JPG]
[Image: MVC-485F.JPG]
[Image: MVC-486F.JPG]

Look at the beautiful blood texture, like it was just pulled from the wound...

[Image: MVC-487F.JPG]
[Image: MVC-488F.JPG]

And what F13 picture would be compelte without my GT3 in there...

[Image: MVC-489F.JPG]

My New Ecs1 Machete - SPAZ - 09-10-2005

how much did you pay for it???

My New Ecs1 Machete - Sackface - 09-10-2005

I sware I that machete on ebay

My New Ecs1 Machete - SPAZ - 09-10-2005

you can get them at Home Depot for $10

My New Ecs1 Machete - Acooljt - 09-10-2005

Yeah, but you can\'t get them with the same killer detail that MEGA puts into them. I mean, I\'m an accomplished machinist and welder, I could have made one no problem, but to get the beautifully detailed blood is beyond my skills. I mean, it\'s really pretty close to the one he uses in Part 7(I\'m watching it now). Same handle, Kane\'s might be a bit longer, but we both have the blood!

My New Ecs1 Machete - Sackface - 09-10-2005

That blood stuff is just Knox un-flavored gelatin and food coloring w/Some black paint I could make that if I wanted to Tongue

My New Ecs1 Machete - SPAZ - 09-10-2005

if its pt7 the handle is wrong

and blood dont clump on a blade after it comes out of a body it smears

not raggin on Megas stuff is does some sweet hockey masks

this is the right handle for all the Fridays machetes

My New Ecs1 Machete - stalker - 09-10-2005

it\'s cool i just think the blade should have rust on it and not so new looking

My New Ecs1 Machete - SPAZ - 09-10-2005

Quote:it\'s cool i just think the blade should have rust on it  and not so new looking
and not so curved
and the right handle
and smeared blood

My New Ecs1 Machete - Homicidal#9 - 09-10-2005

guys...its a fucking machete...if he like its, then that is all that matters, please don\'t post pointing out its supposed shortcomings and what not....
very nice machete acoolit....

just my two cents..
