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Jason Hoods? - Printable Version

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Jason Hoods? - camwar - 09-11-2005

For those of you that own Jason hoods, how do they fit? I need something that fits tight so that I can freely turn my head. Gonna be in costume for hours so I want as much frredom as possible. Thanx for any input guys

Jason Hoods? - GBeninati - 09-11-2005

next question is going to be \" how big is your head\"
but I will let someone else ask that...

Jason Hoods? - IbDaToNeGuY - 09-11-2005

reminds me of Smegal (sp) in a strange kinda way . just don\'t turn to Gollum and we\'ll be all cool . :wink: but yeah for some reason , hoods look alot bigger thatn mask versions do and also makes me wonder if they will fit too .


Jason Hoods? - Bullzilla65 - 09-11-2005

Mine fits great as well, but I am a fan of no skin showing, so I got one of those faceless hoods to wear under it. I can see and breath just fine, but with the Hockey Mask on, no eyes or pink skin showing thru the holes.
[Image: 202416.jpg]

Jason Hoods? - Cory - 09-11-2005

these pictures are hillarious...we should have a thread of nothing but people wearing hoods without hockey masks!

Jason Hoods? - IbDaToNeGuY - 09-11-2005

so i take it Jason fences in his spare time ? lol


Jason Hoods? - camwar - 09-11-2005

Thnx the pics are pretty funny. Maybe I\'ll just grab a half decent looking mask from like party city that fits tight n cut the face out, do some touch up paint work too. Im goin for a hybrid type jason look anyways.

Jason Hoods? - GBeninati - 09-12-2005


Jason Hoods? - GBeninati - 09-12-2005
