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Possible Movie? - Printable Version

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Possible Movie? - usual - 10-17-2005

This has most likely been talked about before but I was curious if anyone has heard of a possible Jason vs mike movie or anyone vs anyone movies....

Who do you think would win Jason or Mike?

Possible Movie? - Mutilated - 10-17-2005

It\'s doubtful it\'ll happen but if it does jason would win.

Possible Movie? - FinalOmega - 10-17-2005

Mikey would get his ass kicked! And naw, I highly doubt it will be made. <_<

Possible Movie? - Pugsly - 10-17-2005

That will never happen, the movie and J
winning.Michael would be all over j\'s mongoloid ass....................

Possible Movie? - usual - 10-17-2005

I think Mikey would not have a shot in hell at beating Jason

Possible Movie? - puckface - 10-18-2005

two diff companies...I doubt it would happen, but with the way Vs movies are goin nowadays anythings possible

in the end if it will make money it will prolly be made

Possible Movie? - Jason-V - 10-18-2005

i think neither will win,, jason dumb ass finds a hell box thing and opens it.. both J and M end up being consumed by cenobites.....

Possible Movie? - HalloweeN - 10-18-2005

Yeah, it would probably be like one of those old time "no talking" "silent" movies....just that funny music in the background.

Possible Movie? - Slasher Asher - 10-18-2005

I\'m working on fan movie about Michael and jason, it\'s called "Friday the 31st"

Possible Movie? - The13thDreamShape - 10-18-2005

Mikeys gonna win.. everyone knows that