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Cheap Jasons - tcm - 05-02-2004

hey guys most ppl sell there jasons for close to $100 and at no-face its no different but right now no-face have blank uncut jason masks for Buy It Now $13 on ebay!!! ill post a link in a min/.

heres the link

Cheap Jasons - Bullzilla65 - 05-02-2004

I bought a couple of them today. Sending money orders out tomorrow. It\'ll give me something to do for a bit, anyways, LoL

Cheap Jasons - tcm - 05-02-2004

ive spent a fe thousands $ over at no-face and there masks ARE AWESOME!! i love them Big Grin , the only thing is its gonna take them around a month and a hlf to send u ur masks, but its well worth the wait, and conatcting them is a bitch as well,
o well enjoy your masks :lol:

Cheap Jasons - jason8844 - 05-03-2004

a month and a half!!!!!! i orderd a blank u shure its for the 1 off ebay or r u talkin about a finished 1

Cheap Jasons - Lewis Tully - 05-03-2004

I want one, but how do you cut it out? I think I can handle the holes, but as far as the eyes, and the actual mask, I am struggling on figuring out how to cut it all out. A dremel? Any suggestions would help... I really want one of these, A. It would be a fun thing to take on with not alot of money lost if I totally screw it up... and B. I want/need a Jason Mask, but I have NO money... This is good times... But, how to I cut it out???


Cheap Jasons - Tarman - 05-03-2004

I just bought one too!

Cheap Jasons - tcm - 05-03-2004

yep a month and a half for one off of ebay in swear , its kinda a long time <_<

Cheap Jasons - Bullzilla65 - 05-04-2004

More than likely I will be using my dremel. I have a couple of sanding bits, different shapes, that I will use. I\'ll just sand them down with smooth sandpaper afterwards.
I\'ll keep you guys posted on how long it takes to get these. I sent the money order out today for them. *Looking at clock* errr....YESTERDAY for them. He should have the money order by Thursday, I would think.

Cheap Jasons - tcm - 05-04-2004

it may take longer than what i said because mike and chris from no-face are spliting up and moving to diff. companies and chris is the one selling tuff on ebay and hes busy, i bot a mask mold off of ebay over 2 and a half months ago and i stil dont have it, but he said hes sending it soon and hell send me a free mask cuz hes so sorry B) , but hey maybey yul get it faster than that, u never know Big Grin

Cheap Jasons - jason8844 - 05-12-2004

dude mine came in today!!!! i think i orderd it a week ago, major fast delivery!!