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..hey.. - Printable Version

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..hey.. - 4444 - 05-05-2004

Whats up everybody new here just wanted to introduce myslef im 4444 im sure some of you dont know me but if your a member at GT you probly do... Whats up everybody..


..hey.. - slasher - 05-05-2004

Hey man, Welcome to the board.

..hey.. - 4444 - 05-05-2004

Hey, can i ask you a question or anyone else out there does anybody know where i can get a good looking \'JASON TAKES MANHATTAN\'\' undermask from....


..hey.. - slasher - 05-05-2004

I do but I can\'t advertise it on the board i\'ll send it through PM for ya

..hey.. - RCuomo 2.0 - 05-05-2004


..hey.. - TheChosenOne - 05-05-2004

Heh, I think this topic belongs in Off-Topic.

..hey.. - travsall - 05-05-2004

Welcome to the board! Hope you have a fun time here!
Slasher, good move! That is appreaciated, but not necessary, since Justin dosen\'t make a part 8 undermask, so there is no competition. Basically if you can\'t say \'go to the catalog\' you can post other places to check out, within reason.

So for part 8 undermasks there are 4 out there right now to my knowledge, one by Cropsy (you have to email him for info) one by Neil Goldsmith (you aslo have to email him for info) one by Sam Patchin [url=\"\"][/url] and one by Cyclonus [url=\"\"][/url]

..hey.. - corblimey79 - 05-05-2004

Efexalive is also releasing a F8 under in a short while!
Welcome to N/O, Hold on tight!!

..hey.. - Eddie - 05-05-2004

Hey 4444, I believe you know me. Welcome to NIGHTOWL!
