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I Need The Money! Please Bid! - Printable Version

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I Need The Money! Please Bid! - killnskin - 05-15-2004

hello, im selling 3 items on ebay right now. i desperatly need the money so please check it out, and while you there bid.


I Need The Money! Please Bid! - JV666 - 05-15-2004

Damn dude! if that Brother stays low I will DEFINETLY bid!!! Gimme like 3 days to check the price.

I Need The Money! Please Bid! - RCuomo 2.0 - 05-15-2004

BOOOOOO!! SHIPPING to the USA only... what about your Canadian brothers Steven and Trav??? Big Grin

I Need The Money! Please Bid! - killnskin - 05-15-2004

Quote:BOOOOOO!! SHIPPING to the USA only... what about your Canadian brothers Steven and Trav??? Big Grin
i would make an exeption for you 2. That is, if you wanted to bid.

I Need The Money! Please Bid! - tcm - 05-16-2004

i see, you added some knot masks! awesome, ill be bidding on some of them if mine sell well, Big Grin

I Need The Money! Please Bid! - tcm - 05-16-2004

heres some better pics of brandons mask for you dude,.

I Need The Money! Please Bid! - noxious_infestation - 05-18-2004

I\'l give ya a high bid for the Brother Mask if you\'l ship to Ireland????

I Need The Money! Please Bid! - killnskin - 05-18-2004

ok, but you gotta cover the extra shipping.

I Need The Money! Please Bid! - Ocirus - 05-18-2004

Dose the Jagmaster have stock pickups?


I Need The Money! Please Bid! - killnskin - 05-18-2004

yep, the entire guitar is orginal.