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New Mask Sculpt! In Works! - Printable Version

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New Mask Sculpt! In Works! - SPAZ - 02-17-2006

I suck at sculpting but I started working on a Zombi mask
about 30% done
comming out pretty good IMO
what do you think
what can I do to make it better?????
[Image: 7d75657a.jpg]
[Image: 299b054f.jpg]
[Image: c9fd0a88.jpg]
[Image: 1a876ec8.jpg]
[Image: 7d5fe66c.jpg]

New Mask Sculpt! In Works! - SPAZ - 02-17-2006

new scores
pt4 glove from myers04
[Image: 6f79324c.jpg]
[Image: 87a3ce22.jpg]
Gates of Hell mask
[Image: 90eeac0c.jpg]

New Mask Sculpt! In Works! - SPAZ - 02-17-2006

and Die Hard 3 12" fig
looks just like him
[Image: 728af791.jpg]
[Image: 35a0f0f5.jpg]
[Image: a1661259.jpg]
[Image: f74b7c87.jpg]
[Image: ca9a5292.jpg]

New Mask Sculpt! In Works! - josephchoi - 02-17-2006

awesome sculpture b-man

New Mask Sculpt! In Works! - ChemicallyUsed - 02-17-2006

i thought that zombie looked familiar haha, awesome sculpture brandon...looking top knotch so far....and im loving the glove also Smile

New Mask Sculpt! In Works! - D-bach - 02-17-2006

nice scores, and the sculpture looks great!!!

New Mask Sculpt! In Works! - ChemicallyUsed - 02-17-2006

OH brandon, i do thik you need to make the cheek bones stick out more....thats my opinion...but other than that...awesome Smile

New Mask Sculpt! In Works! - myers04 - 02-17-2006

awsome sculpture man...and i love the diehard willis fig

New Mask Sculpt! In Works! - WarLocK - 02-17-2006

Lookin cool Spaz! I would suggest the following:

Widen the nose, more cheekbones, more chin in the front, add just a tad more detail and smooth him out.

New Mask Sculpt! In Works! - SPAZ - 02-17-2006

Quote:Lookin cool Spaz!  I would suggest the following:

Widen the nose, more cheekbones, more chin in the front, add just a tad more detail and smooth him out.
thanks man
I\'ll do that Big Grin