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Fs Ssn H20 V2.0 - Printable Version

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Fs Ssn H20 V2.0 - noxious_infestation - 03-20-2006

Hey Guys,

Letting a few of my pieces go and unfortunately this is one of them!
I reckon this is one of the best ,if not the best looking H20 out there!

Its in perfect condition and comes from a smoke free home. Its tagged aswell number 5!
Taking offers! :thumbsup:

[Image: 87721678.jpg]
[Image: a3ccd65e.jpg]
[Image: 44be59d4.jpg]

Fs Ssn H20 V2.0 - noxious_infestation - 03-22-2006


Fs Ssn H20 V2.0 - WHATSINTHEBOX? - 03-23-2006


how much do you expect?

Fs Ssn H20 V2.0 - Rayne00 - 03-23-2006

I pm\'d ya on that q as well, bro.

Fs Ssn H20 V2.0 - WHATSINTHEBOX? - 03-24-2006

well dude whatcha expect man? can possibly be a sale ya gotta let me know.....

Fs Ssn H20 V2.0 - noxious_infestation - 03-24-2006

Well there 250 to buy so use some common sense

Fs Ssn H20 V2.0 - WHATSINTHEBOX? - 03-24-2006

actually 250 plus 9 shipped. hey man i just wanted to make you a suitable offer common sense has very litle to do with it. common sense tells me that i have until april 1st to order a new one and wait or make you an offer and get one sooner. common sense also tells me that i have very little time to decide so i will monitor this and in 48 hours make you a suitable offer. please excuse me if i took your common sense comment the wrong way.

Fs Ssn H20 V2.0 - noxious_infestation - 03-24-2006

Basically if you want make me an offer, just dont let it be under 250

Fs Ssn H20 V2.0 - SPAZ - 03-24-2006

dude dont sell it to this guy :blink:

Fs Ssn H20 V2.0 - noxious_infestation - 03-24-2006

Why man?