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Playstation 2 - Printable Version

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Playstation 2 - Bear - 06-20-2004

here it is:

Playstaion 2
2 controlers
4 player multi-tap
remote control
8mb memory card

The Getaway
Medal of Honor - Frontline
Medal of Honor - Rising Sun
Ace Combat 04
Ratchet & Clank
Finding Nemo
ATV Off Road Fury 2
Midnight Club
Grand Theft Auto - Vice City

$275.00 cash for it all, or let the trades begin.

Playstation 2 - outlawski - 06-20-2004

hey lobo i got a ps2 x box and a gamecube and a dream cast and a sega genesis
and 2 sega saturns with at lease 50 games for each counsel ho ya and a nintendo 64 and a super nintendo and a ps1 and a game boy advance :o Big Grin Wink :blink:

Playstation 2 - slappybalz - 06-20-2004

hey outlawski. you happen to have street fighter 3rd strike and power stone 2 for the dreamcast for sale? Wink

Playstation 2 - BioHazard - 06-23-2004

lobo ho w much for Medal of Honor - Rising Sun

Playstation 2 - Bear - 06-23-2004

how bout $15.00

Playstation 2 - BioHazard - 06-24-2004

sold....... can i pay pal you the money tom.?

Playstation 2 - Lewis Tully - 06-25-2004

Quote:hey lobo i got a ps2 x box and a gamecube and a dream cast and a sega genesis
and 2 sega saturns with at lease 50 games for each counsel  ho ya and a nintendo 64  and a super nintendo and a ps1 and a game boy advance :o  Big Grin  Wink  :blink:
........ You must be very proud of yourself......

You are being sarcastic, right???

(With some people... you just never know...)

Playstation 2 - outlawski - 06-25-2004

i only speek the truth :angry:

Playstation 2 - Jason-V - 06-26-2004

Quote:hey lobo i got a ps2 x box and a gamecube and a dream cast and a sega genesis
and 2 sega saturns with at lease 50 games for each counsel  ho ya and a nintendo 64  and a super nintendo and a ps1 and a game boy advance :o  Big Grin  Wink  :blink:
Good for you... do you wont a cookie now??

Playstation 2 - outlawski - 06-26-2004

jelous ones still envy