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Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - Printable Version

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Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - Chainsaw - 11-07-2006

Hey all.
It seems like a while since I last posted a new collection piece.

I have been waiting on this big guy some quite some time (since February) and he finally arrived on Halloween.

The story on this.... it is a 1:1 resin bust cast from a screen used prop. I have no way to verify this myself but that is what I was told. I bought the blank from a SPX guy in Ontario and had it painted by Thad Rhodes from [url=\"\"]Garage Kit Zombi[/url]. Please take a few minutes to browse this guy\'s site. He mainly paints small kits but his work is outstanding!

I would also like to thank my buddy Simmon Mohan for leading me to this piece :thumbsup:.

I did my best with the pics for the space I\'m working in... hope you guys enjoy Pumpkinhead :woot:

[Image: Pumpkinhead-B.jpg]
[Image: Pumpkinhead-C.jpg]
[Image: Pumpkinhead-E.jpg]
[Image: Pumpkinhead-F.jpg]
[Image: Pumpkinhead-fang.jpg]
[Image: Pumpkinhead-I.jpg]
[Image: Pumpkinhead-J.jpg]

Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - Chainsaw - 11-07-2006

[Image: Pumpkinhead-K.jpg]
[Image: Pumpkinhead-lefteye.jpg]
[Image: Pumpkinhead-righteye.jpg]

A pic with something familiar for size reference

[Image: Pumpkinhead-andManiac.jpg]
[Image: PumpkinheadPinhead.jpg]

Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - Chainsaw - 11-07-2006

I snagged this new Numero Uno glove off Ebay. Made by Chris at [url=\"\"]Top Shelf Collections[/url]. This glove is awesome! Looks great, moves like a nightmare (clever, huh? :lol: ).

[Image: NumeroUno-B.jpg]
[Image: NumeroUno-C.jpg]
[Image: NumeroUno-D.jpg]
[Image: NumeroUno-E.jpg]
[Image: NumeroUno-F.jpg]

Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - D-bach - 11-07-2006

Nice scores!!!, awesome pumpkinhead and glove man, very nice pics also!!!

Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - TallDarkandDisfigured - 11-07-2006

Looks like the wait was worth it bud! That thing is nuts!!! The needle tallywhacker ain\'t so bad either..
Pics turned out nice too. I like the backdrop.

Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - HorrorHound - 11-07-2006

Love that Pumpkinhead! That is a great piece and I still can\'t get over that amazing paint job Monte did on the Pin-Head piece. Good Stuff

Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - hellbound81 - 11-07-2006

My god is that Pumpkinhead awesome. Every PH fan that see\'s that has got to be drooling, awesome score. Smile

Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - WHiTE_SiDER - 11-08-2006

awesome score :thumbsup:

Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - onoman - 11-08-2006

Sweet scores!! I\'M definately drooling over that PH!!! :woot:

Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - dougie - 11-08-2006

That pumpkinhead is amazing!! Great pics too.