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New Score....few Collection Pics - Printable Version

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New Score....few Collection Pics - knewby - 01-15-2007

Got bored today and shot a few pics of my new Flesh Collector set from MMFX and my latest roundup of masks....................................Larry

[Image: 100_2252.jpg]
[Image: 100_2253.jpg]
[Image: 100_2254.jpg]
[Image: 100_2255.jpg]
[Image: 100_2258.jpg]
[Image: 100_2257.jpg]

New Score....few Collection Pics - myers413 - 01-15-2007

nice score bro you are true fan of TCM,you have almost the museum Big Grin

New Score....few Collection Pics - WHiTE_SiDER - 01-15-2007

awesome room gonna have a lack of space soon lol :thumbsup:

New Score....few Collection Pics - Vanilla Ice......Cream - 01-15-2007

A Flesh Collector,now thats oldschool! :woot: Love the pics bro,awesome pieces ya got there!

New Score....few Collection Pics - jonl - 01-15-2007

I like the blood tears Warlock, is that Pugsly\'s old copy?

New Score....few Collection Pics - knewby - 01-15-2007

Thanks guys....Yup that blood tears is Pugsly\'s old one. Its the first one Terry did!

New Score....few Collection Pics - jonl - 01-15-2007

it\'s nice, lemme know if you every wanna trade or sell

New Score....few Collection Pics - knewby - 01-15-2007

Heres a few more of the blood tears...........................Larry

[Image: 100_2099.jpg]
[Image: 100_2095.jpg]

New Score....few Collection Pics - jonl - 01-15-2007

Cool thanks Smile Best Warlock IMO

New Score....few Collection Pics - VF 31 - 01-15-2007

sweet stuff, whats that lf killing mask on the floor..the one close to the melting man