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Whats Your "top 5" Favorite Movies? - Printable Version

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Whats Your "top 5" Favorite Movies? - J.W. - 10-14-2007

Heres Mine1. American Graffiti2. Escape From Alcatraz3. The Warriors4. Jaws5. Blade Runner

Whats Your "top 5" Favorite Movies? - Mick7 - 10-14-2007

12 Monkey'sEscape from New YorkSilence of the LambsRockyDie Hardwow..that was really, really hard to pick.

Whats Your "top 5" Favorite Movies? - Homicidal#9 - 10-14-2007

Holy Hell....great question no particular order...1. Star Wars: ESB2. Raiders of the Lost Ark3. Original War of the Worlds4. Red Dawn5. Alien NationTommydamn man its hard to break down just five...cuz i have alot of favorites

Whats Your "top 5" Favorite Movies? - Pugsly - 10-14-2007

Mine are..JawsConan the BarbarianDawn of the Dead Day of the DeadThe Stand

Whats Your "top 5" Favorite Movies? - Crash - 10-14-2007

1. Field of Dreams2. Empire Strikes Back3. Friday the 13th part 34. Tombstone5. From Dusk Til Dawn

Whats Your "top 5" Favorite Movies? - JOEY - 10-14-2007

Titanic (1997)The Good, The Bad And The UglyStar Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the SithFriday the 13th Part 6 Jason Lives40 Year Old VirginBut yeah, hard question. Top 50 in no particular order would be easier lol.

Whats Your "top 5" Favorite Movies? - WarLocK - 10-14-2007

1- Goodfellas2- Gladiator3- Braveheart4- Black Christmas5- Pet Sematary

Whats Your "top 5" Favorite Movies? - dean7879 - 10-14-2007

just 5 ay...rockygodfathergoodfellasplanet of the apesback to the future

Whats Your "top 5" Favorite Movies? - dougie - 10-15-2007

Mine would no orderTerminator 2RockyFriday The 13th-The Final ChapterNational Lampoons VacationHome Alone

Whats Your "top 5" Favorite Movies? - 3pidemiC - 10-15-2007

1.) <b>ALIENS</b>2.) Halloween3.) Day of the Dead4.) Saving Private Ryan5.) The Terminator