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Usps Postal Clerks! - Barzo 19 - 12-07-2007

wtf is up with USPS postal clerks??? i just came from the post office and good god almighty, i have never been so pissed in my life!!!! ok, i got to the post office at 1:00 pm, there was barely any clerks at the counter. one guy came out from the back and i could tell he was pissed about something. he said "May i help you!" i kept my cool even though he was being very rude. i told him simply "I need to send this off with priority mail to...." Before i got to finish my sentence, he snatched the damn box up, looked at the label, sighed (still being pretty rude), printed off a label and slammed it down on the box-nearly crushing it...then he dropped it on the ground and told me to "have a nice day!!" this pretty muched pissed me off. i called him back to the counter after relizing he printed off a parcel post label and not priority mail. i told him this, then he snached up my package from the floor, slammed it on the counter, and actually tore off the shipping label-which took off some of the outer cardboard and address label. he then printed off a new priority mail label and slapped it on there and then had the balls to say to me in a rude way "it will be there in 2-3 days sir!!!just how you want it!!!" after that remark...i was super-pissed off!!!! and when i get angry, i cant keep my mouth shut. i still needed to add delivery confirmation aswell just as he was about to go in the back. i yelled "listen here you dumb son of a b*@$%, im not gonna sit here and have you disrespect me!!!! now, get the f*%^ back over here and get it right!!!" he then glared at me-as i did right back- sighed, shook his head and started to walk away when i went ballistic on his ass!!! i cant remember wut i said after that, but i had the guy cowering,lol, and the police were there in about 5 minutes. after it was all over, the postmaster put the delivery confirmation on it and told me calmly to "have a nice day, sir." and yet, i still didnt get my money back for the parcel post mistake that the clerk made!!! i swear, today has been a bad day so far. and the thing that im still pissed off about is that they still let the pissed off clerk handle the package!!! but for member thepugsta, ur Xombie pumpkin mask is on its way and if it happens to be a little bit crushed and a little bit of the address label it torn, its not my fault. i might start using UPS for now on.lolChris

Usps Postal Clerks! - Fang - 12-07-2007

Jesus christ man, the nerve of some people. If I were you I would of leaped over the counter and punched his face in.

Usps Postal Clerks! - Barzo 19 - 12-07-2007

hell, i felt like it. when i get so pissed off, its like i black out-but i dont. if ya get wut im saying. im 16 and this guy had to of been in his early 30's. but im 6'2 and i look like im a bodybuilder who is in his early 20's. but i wanted to so bad!!!. lol

Usps Postal Clerks! - djlovedump - 12-07-2007

Punching someone in the face would not help anything. It would put you in jail for assault and he’d basically get a free ticket to do this again. Go back in, ask, politely, to talk to the ‘Post Master’ and tell him what happened. If the box is still there, damaged...that postal Clerk will have some explaining to do because it’s a felony to damage US Mail.You can also go the the US Postal website and call the 800 # to voice your complaint. Just mention felony to US Mail and that a clerk did it...They should take it from there.

Usps Postal Clerks! - HERETIC - 12-07-2007

yeah...when crap like that happens, just ask for the supervisor......unless he takes out his machinegun and hand grenades before you have a chance to ask.

Usps Postal Clerks! - Krypt Kreeper - 12-07-2007

Similar shit happend to me a few months ago when I was sending a package for a member of My PO closes a 5:00pm and I got there at around 4:45 and it was all ready closed. I talk to the girl inside (who sadly was kinda hot) and she rudely replies "read the sign sir, we're closed sir" and I tell her your supposed to be open another 15 minutes and that I have the money right in my hand and it would only take one minute to take the damn thing etc and the bitch says if I don't leave she'll call the cops. My God I now understand why many of these mass shooters choose the PO.

Usps Postal Clerks! - Barzo 19 - 12-07-2007

yeah, i'll go call their 800 #. hell, im pretty sure it has been sent out by now. but ya, i'll call em. i dont care if he had a stick up his arse, he shouldnt have acted that way...DAMN IT!!!, i just remembered that i didnt get the delivery con. reciept off the counter neither!!! now i will have to go back before they close.

Usps Postal Clerks! - marty21 - 12-07-2007

That sucks Barzo 19 I've never had them to be rude to me but a friend that works there tells me that they just throw & kick packages around all the time no respect for anybodys stuff <img src=\"style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/verymad.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":verymad:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"verymad.gif\" /> It is amazing that the packages we recieve have not been stomped on. They should have quality control cameras watching there employees <img src=\"style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/whistling.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":whistling:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"whistling.gif\" /> .......... Marty

Usps Postal Clerks! - Barzo 19 - 12-07-2007

<!--quoteo(post=247704:date=Dec 7 2007, 03:09 PM:name=Captain Howdy)<div class=\'quotetop\'>QUOTE(Captain Howdy @ Dec 7 2007, 03:09 PM) <a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=247704\"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class=\'quotemain\'><!--quotecThat sucks Barzo 19 I've never had them to be rude to me but a friend that works there tells me that they just throw & kick packages around all the time no respect for anybodys stuff <img src=\"style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/verymad.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":verymad:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"verymad.gif\" /> It is amazing that the packages we recieve have not been stomped on. They should have quality control cameras watching there employees <img src=\"style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/whistling.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":whistling:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"whistling.gif\" /> .......... Marty<!--QuoteEnd</div><!--QuoteEEndagree with u there my friend, its funny that we never really know wut happens to our stuff when we send it out. they will get theirs in the

Usps Postal Clerks! - Horror4Ever - 12-07-2007

I would of kicked his F*****g head in lol, theres now way i would let anyone speak to me like that, jesus what a complete A##HOLE!!!!