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Pictures Galore - Printable Version

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Pictures Galore - tcm - 03-06-2005

Due to my overwhelming boredness I present you all with a few pics of some sculpts/ masks ive done over the past year, some were molded, some were not.
Enjoy Smile

[Image: ho.jpg]
[Image: kemp001.jpg]
[Image: fredN076bw.jpg]
[Image: fredN079noeyes.jpg]
[Image: fredN080ers.jpg]
[Image: pt9018.jpg]
[Image: pt9014.jpg]
[Image: pt9016.jpg]
[Image: almost012.jpg]
[Image: lff005.jpg]

Pictures Galore - tcm - 03-06-2005

[Image: eyed001.jpg]
[Image: futur050.jpg]
[Image: futur046.jpg]
[Image: pics25109.jpg]

[Image: evidence.jpg]

[Image: pics241.jpg]

Pictures Galore - Tom - 03-06-2005

Cool pics. Big Grin

Pictures Galore - IbDaToNeGuY - 03-06-2005

never knew you made a kemper :blink:


Pictures Galore - tcm - 03-06-2005

Indeed I did.

Pictures Galore - kirk myers - 03-06-2005

Damn nice work my friend.

Im lovin the Kemper.

Pictures Galore - gmyers - 03-06-2005

Very nice work man! But if I can recommend something, I see you have a from hell pic and some other work for refrences. I would suggest contacting Justin to get his approve, before using his work for reference. You may thing it\'s crazy, but some artists including myself would be pretty upset. In the end, nice stuff though! Smile

Pictures Galore - gmyers - 03-06-2005

Cool man, you have some really good work! What did you do with the Freddy?

Pictures Galore - Prime Time - 03-06-2005

i think he told me it got messed up.....and kirk, he sells the kempers for 55 shipped i think....iza got one its nice

Pictures Galore - tcm - 03-06-2005

Yeah i couldnt for the life of me get the eyes right on that damn fred, so i scrapped it unfortunately. If your interested in a kemp pm me and we can work something out Smile