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Painted Up A Pt 7 Jason Mask (latex) - Printable Version

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Painted Up A Pt 7 Jason Mask (latex) - jason8844 - 09-30-2005

well, ive been painting this up from scratch, (not finished yet) and the
eye is temporary, i ordered a glass eye to pop in there. i think the bone
and teeth are temporary also, not satisfied and im just exparamenting really.
well tell me how im doing and what i need to do, constructive critism helps i
guess lol!
just starting......
[Image: paintup2.jpg]

geting there.....
[Image: jman7.jpg]

almost finished....
[Image: paintedj.jpg]

so let me know whut u think!
thanks guys,

Painted Up A Pt 7 Jason Mask (latex) - FVJ Leatherface - 09-30-2005

That looks GREAT!

Painted Up A Pt 7 Jason Mask (latex) - FVJ Leatherface - 09-30-2005

Acrylic teeth would look great too!

Painted Up A Pt 7 Jason Mask (latex) - Martoch - 09-30-2005

I honestly think you\'re doing a fine job...keep up the good work!

Painted Up A Pt 7 Jason Mask (latex) - josephchoi - 09-30-2005

duuude! that thing is kicking my ASS!

Painted Up A Pt 7 Jason Mask (latex) - null1 - 09-30-2005

Looking good so far!

Painted Up A Pt 7 Jason Mask (latex) - jason8844 - 09-30-2005

wow thanks guys!

Painted Up A Pt 7 Jason Mask (latex) - Mutilated - 09-30-2005

Like I said on AIM, for hand painted that kicks ass on so many levels dude.

Painted Up A Pt 7 Jason Mask (latex) - guitarmaster - 09-30-2005

Great job Nick!
It\'s looking great do far.

Painted Up A Pt 7 Jason Mask (latex) - Chainsaw - 09-30-2005

Great job so far Nick!