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I Need The Money! Please Bid! - Printable Version

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I Need The Money! Please Bid! - noxious_infestation - 05-19-2004

Yea il cover the shipping cost no prob

I Need The Money! Please Bid! - Bullzilla65 - 05-20-2004

Well, with 8 minutes to go till the end, looks like you made a nice chunk \'o change with that Brother mask! Congrats! Big Grin

I Need The Money! Please Bid! - noxious_infestation - 05-20-2004

Yea nice price for the brother, I bid as high as i could go . But the price is way too high!! Just by a brand new one !!

I Need The Money! Please Bid! - goaliehack - 05-20-2004

Uhh, by one brand new? If I am not mistaken arnt they like 185 or somethin like that from boogeyman? And the price couln\'t have been that high or else your last bid wouldnt have been just 2 bucks under. Big Grin