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Dock Demon - Printable Version

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Dock Demon - Dreamdemon - 02-27-2004

Thanks for all the nice comments guys Smile


Dock Demon - TheChosenOne - 02-27-2004

That mask kicks ass!

Dock Demon - Dreamdemon - 02-27-2004

[Image: chicagovader-ddemon.jpg]

pic taken with a lower flash setting that is much closer to the actual color of the piece.


Dock Demon - creamedgeezer - 02-27-2004

That is so awesome.

Dock Demon - Old_B@st@rd - 02-27-2004

That new picture makes it look even BETTER!!!!

Dock Demon - OwlHunter - 02-28-2004

i lvoe that mask Aeron

Dock Demon - TheChosenOne - 02-29-2004

Quote:Are you going to make the regular version of Freddy from FvsJ and How much are you selling them for?
I really think he should, because the \'Dock Demon\' looks amazing.

Dock Demon - Dreamdemon - 02-29-2004

Not sure on a regular VS yet more than likely at some point I will. I plan to do a part one next and it will be sculpted over a lifecast of Robert Englund. As far as the Dock Demon the mask is $125 plus shipping, and the foam filled bust with custom acrylic eyes is $175 plus shipping. Hope no one has a problem with me posting the price here.


Dock Demon - Jason-V - 02-29-2004

I may think of gettin one..looks sick as hell!!!!!

Dock Demon - TheChosenOne - 03-01-2004

Quote:Not sure on a regular VS yet more than likely at some point I will. I plan to do a part one next and it will be sculpted over a lifecast of Robert Englund.  As far as the Dock Demon the mask is $125 plus shipping, and the foam filled bust with custom acrylic eyes is $175 plus shipping. Hope no one has a problem with me posting the price here.

Hey man, can\'t wait for your part 1 mask.. I\'m sure it\'ll turn out awesome. B)