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New Score In The Works - Printable Version

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New Score In The Works - myers413 - 03-30-2006

great job mike congrats steve :thumbsup:

New Score In The Works - puckface - 03-30-2006


New Score In The Works - Indica x - 03-30-2006

Mike makes the best Roy masks hands down. I got mine ages ago and it\'s still one of my favorite hockey masks.

New Score In The Works - mike - 03-31-2006

thanks guys already had a few emails asking why this looks different than theirs..again as i say to everyone and even steve said he didnt pay the reg price im not gonna say what he did pay but it was over 180

so thanks for those who like it and for those who dont Im sorry

New Score In The Works - VF31 - 03-31-2006

yea ya get what ya pay for Smile

New Score In The Works - travsall - 03-31-2006

That is damn nice, best Roy I\'ve seen hands down. Great attention Mike. And I know first hand how picky Steve is :wink:

New Score In The Works - VF31 - 03-31-2006

lol Big Grin

New Score In The Works - IbDaToNeGuY - 03-31-2006

who don\'t ? who wouldn\'t ? dude , if anyone needs a Hockey Mask they always come to you because you are pretty much the best there is when it comes to hockey masks . now undermasks , maybe Justin has that but the combos i see on here of the 2 makers , those are just too cool .
