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Myth About The Part 3 Mask, Laid To Rest. - Printable Version

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Myth About The Part 3 Mask, Laid To Rest. - Cthulhu - 07-02-2006

Quote:It\'s the mask that guy Michael wears when he\'s killing peole with his chainsaw.

NO NO NO YOUR WRONG He doesnt kill them with a chainsaw, he has a glove with knives for fingers duh!!!!

Myth About The Part 3 Mask, Laid To Rest. - VF31 - 07-02-2006

no a glove with banana\'s

Myth About The Part 3 Mask, Laid To Rest. - puckface - 07-02-2006

yep, just ask Andy, he has the screen used banana glove

Myth About The Part 3 Mask, Laid To Rest. - Jason - 07-02-2006

and all this time I thought he granted wishes and then stole their souls

Myth About The Part 3 Mask, Laid To Rest. - SlasherHouse - 07-03-2006

Hell I thought you had to stand in front of the mirror and say his name 3 times. Damnit I\'ve got to get better educated on my horror stuff. Confusedweat:

Myth About The Part 3 Mask, Laid To Rest. - Willowman - 07-03-2006

I thought he was short, green, and rhymed everything he said. Huh

Myth About The Part 3 Mask, Laid To Rest. - VF31 - 07-03-2006

no thats me..
