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Halloween - Printable Version

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Halloween - myers04 - 09-13-2006

[the shape....]

Halloween - HorrorHound - 09-13-2006

Bubba, Father, Doc. Decker and Part 2 Jman. I like to change costums over the course of the night. Since it is only one night a year, I like to milk it for all it is worth.
Big Grin

Halloween - SuperDanDrista - 09-13-2006

I\'m doing full make up prosthetics of a vampire. Buffy style with contacts and custom made fangs

Halloween - Darth Veach - 09-13-2006

PT7 J-Man!! Can\'t wait \'til it\'s finished!

Halloween - Chainsaw - 09-13-2006

I\'m planning to start the night as Myers.... and finish as Pt 4 J ason :thumbsup:

Halloween - you'realldoomed - 09-13-2006

myself. without my glasses i am pretty much blind. so i cant really wear any masks.

Halloween - antisocial1 - 09-13-2006

Quote:myself. without my glasses i am pretty much blind. so i cant really wear any masks.

Halloween - you'realldoomed - 09-13-2006


i like glasses. i\'m not ready to make the change yet.

Halloween - myersman - 09-13-2006

bubba :thumbsup:

Halloween - crucifixed carnage - 09-13-2006

well if i get my hood back Jman from prt 8 with the erma wet suit and all.. but if worse comes to worse, vs Jman or origin al Jman (make my own look)