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Tcm 2003 sculpture Update... - Printable Version

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Tcm 2003 sculpture Update... - frosty - 11-03-2006

lookin good so far bud, your sculpting has come along great since you first started.
Is that an original mask in the comparison pic?
Starting my version in the morning, looking for any referance pics.

Tcm 2003 sculpture Update... - JigSaw - 11-03-2006

Quote:lookin good so far bud, your sculpting has come along great since you first started.
Is that an original mask in the comparison pic?
Starting my version in the morning, looking for any referance pics.

PM sent. Smile

I hope to get some more updates tonight guys, so stay tuned!

Tcm 2003 sculpture Update... - Fael - 11-03-2006

Smile Awesome Job Joe !!! Keep it Up :thumbsup:

Tcm 2003 sculpture Update... - petejig - 11-03-2006

Quote:lookin good so far bud, your sculpting has come along great since you first started.
Is that an original mask in the comparison pic?
Starting my version in the morning, looking for any referance pics.
That\'s an original screen used mask,apparantly there were six made. Wish I owned one.

Tcm 2003 sculpture Update... - travsall - 11-03-2006

You have come a damn long way from when you started, nice work, really nice work. Be damn proud of that! Little constructive critisism for ya, other then the nose, his left eye, the lids could be toned down just a tad, see how in the compairison pic they don\'t look as old and baggy? And his left right eye could be opend up just a tad more. Really other then that, there\'s not much I can see needing any altering. Keep up the work man, it\'s really showing a lot!

Tcm 2003 sculpture Update... - knewby - 11-03-2006

Looking great so far....Hopefully one of you talented artists will attempt a nice part 3 Bubba mask.....I\'d love to see you try that when you\'re done with the remake bubba............. :thumbsup:

Tcm 2003 sculpture Update... - JigSaw - 11-09-2006

Updates! Smile

Glad you guys like it so far. I worked on some things, the nose still needs more work. :blink:

Any comments are still welcomed/wanted as ussual. Smile

[Image: TCM018.jpg]
[Image: TCM019.jpg]
[Image: TCM020.jpg]
[Image: TCM021.jpg]
[Image: TCM022.jpg]

Tcm 2003 sculpture Update... - JigSaw - 11-13-2006

I tried to fix the nose a little, and added more texture. I think it\'s gettin there, but still need much work.

[Image: TCM023.jpg]
[Image: TCM024.jpg]
[Image: TCM025.jpg]
[Image: TCM026.jpg]
[Image: TCM027.jpg]