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Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - Printable Version

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Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - EVOL - 11-08-2006

Nice stuff there, My friend! :thumbsup:

Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - stainboy - 11-08-2006

Love the pics, brother.....great scores......

Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - HalloweeN - 11-08-2006

Damn dude!!! You\'re got some killer stuff!!!! LOVE the pumpkin head!!!!
Jon N.

Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - shummy - 11-08-2006

That Pumpkinhead is awesome - really nice pcickup and a great paintup

Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - Chainsaw - 11-08-2006

Thanks for taking the time to look over the pics guys. I couldn\'t be happier with the way he turned out.

Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - krazedkilla - 11-08-2006

Glad to see that finally got the Pumkinhead Jman, and what a beautiful piece it is! You don\'t need to tell me that it was well worth the wait, the pics speak for themselves. That glove kicks some major a$$ too. Cool

Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - the shape - 11-08-2006

sweet pieces there man!!!! Smile

Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - Crystal Lake Killer - 11-08-2006

W :o W ! Now those are scores!! Huge congrats on that damn pumkinhead man, jeeze... :yes:

Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - JoMaX - 11-08-2006

where on earth did u get that needle tallywhacker man????

Pumpkinhead & Numero Uno! - Chainsaw - 11-08-2006

Quote:where on earth did u get that needle tallywhacker man????

The needle tallywhacker is a Howard S piece. A guy named Eric Fisher has the mold and was producing blanks ..... and it was painted by Monte Ward.