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First Glove Score! - Printable Version

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First Glove Score! - D-bach - 12-06-2006

thanks guys i appreciate it, i just wish i could take a decide pic of the blades

First Glove Score! - Deathwalk78 - 12-06-2006

Awesome score Dbach..Although it would have looked better with my janitor Big Grin congrats bro.. Cool

First Glove Score! - SNIKT! - 12-07-2006

Awesome score D! I love Anders work!

First Glove Score! - VF 31 - 12-07-2006

glad u got it bro!

First Glove Score! - D-bach - 12-07-2006

hey thanks you guys!!, and Steve thanks agian, been a pleasure dealing with you

First Glove Score! - Willowman - 12-07-2006

I gotta get my hands a glove...maybe after the holidays. Gotta decide which I want, though, that\'s the tough part!

First Glove Score! - myers413 - 12-07-2006

great glove bro

First Glove Score! - EVOL - 12-08-2006

Glad to see you got a glove Dan!

Great Score!

I\'m gonna have to get a new glove one day, Since I sold mine.

Makes me miss mine.