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Part 1 Jman - Printable Version

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Part 1 Jman - EVOL - 01-18-2007

Quote:It was \'Bailout.\'  I got it as a blank and it was in ok shape.  Kelly really did a swell job on him.  I have it in my Ikea Case now and everyone who comes over really likes that mask the most.  I keep getting asked if it\'s from the \'Movie Molds.\'  :o

\'Tom Savini, but you can\'t buy those.\'
Yup, those molds are LONG gone.  Dust to dust.  Sad

That\'s the best Part 1 ever made!

I wonder why?


Man I wish i had that one.

That is just the best hands down!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big Grin

Part 1 Jman - Deathwalk78 - 01-19-2007

I have a feeling D-bach could nail the look of Jason pt1. Look what he did with the Hangman :woot: Big Grin