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Lost Boys Part 2 Slated For 2007 - Printable Version

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Lost Boys Part 2 Slated For 2007 - Willowman - 01-17-2007

That\'s just your age talkin\', Larry. Tongue

Lost Boys Part 2 Slated For 2007 - knewby - 01-17-2007

Might be I do love the cheesy 80\'s movies though. For some odd reason I just didn\'t like the Lost Boys. Wouldn\'t you know it though its the ONLY horror movie my wife likes.... :whistling:

Lost Boys Part 2 Slated For 2007 - pluto - 01-17-2007

I dont have to say i Hard CGI, but when its used right it can be good!!!


Lost Boys Part 2 Slated For 2007 - EVOL - 01-17-2007 least it\'s not another f*cking remake.

And I love the original, I don\'t see how it doesn\'t hold up well?

Right on buddy!

It\'s one of my fav films ever!

Lost Boys Part 2 Slated For 2007 - Krazy Ken - 01-18-2007

I love the original as well. Like Warlock said, I think a sequel in the late 80\'s early 90\'s would\'ve worked but this doesn\'t sound good at all. I\'ll probably still watch it though.

Lost Boys Part 2 Slated For 2007 - Golgo 13 - 01-18-2007

I was just discussing this Warner Bros. sequel cash-in debacle with my wife, and lo and behold Lost Boys was on Scream (Canadian Horror Channel). I have to say it holds up remarkably well, especially when compared to its contemporaries. There is nothing in the film that dates it horribly, it pretty much timeless. For an 80\'s movie, it lacks all the fashion (and music) that make films look silly now, with the exception of Marco.

Looking at this new strategy by WB (which I assume includes the MGM catalog Turner bought in \'85), I shudder to think of what else is in the pipeline:

Bladerunner 2: Still Runnin\'
The Goonies 2: Sloth in the Hood
Bill and Ted\'s Excellent Prequel
Platoon 2: Baghdad Patrol

And a bunch that already went south:
Robocop 4
Escape from "fill in the blank": Snake\'s "Fill in the Blank"
Mad Max 4: Beyond the Quality Necessatating a Theatrical Release



Lost Boys Part 2 Slated For 2007 - Homicidal#9 - 01-18-2007

i gotta agree with pretty much everyone else. I love the original. I watch it from time to time when i get in the mood and it stands up really well to me. It doesn\'t hurt that I am still a huge Cory dork from way back...but to make a sequel now after all this time...and about surfing makes no sense. I assume they are only gonna be able to surf at night?...i don\'t get it...


Lost Boys Part 2 Slated For 2007 - Ruste Dowg - 01-18-2007

Surffing Fu@*ing vampires? please, it kills me to think some twat came up with this idea and an even bigger twat thought it was good enough to give him a load of $\'s to make. What kills me is any of us could come up with a better idea for a sequel if we had to.
Who the hell runs these film companies?

Lost Boys Part 2 Slated For 2007 - Golgo 13 - 01-19-2007

Are they thinking that when the \'boys fed on the "surf nazi\'s" (as they are listed as in the credits) that some of them turned and are now roaming Santa Carla as vamps? If so, thats dumb for so many reasons, not the least of which is that the movie made it pretty clear they were slaughted, not simply bitten.

Quote:Surffing Fu@*ing vampires? please, it kills me to think some twat came up with this idea and an even bigger twat thought it was good enough to give him a load of $\'s to make. What kills me is any of us could come up with a better idea for a sequel if we had to.
Who the hell runs these film companies?

Lost Boys Part 2 Slated For 2007 - Crystal Lake Killer - 01-19-2007

The original is still great! The sequel sounds as stupid as I\'d expect it to be...