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Enter The Facehugger - Printable Version

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Enter The Facehugger - VF 31 - 01-23-2007

ur collection just doesnt stop owning!

nice score

Enter The Facehugger - ColdBlooded Killer - 01-23-2007

Yep, glad you finally got it in! Congrats bro!

Enter The Facehugger - number2 - 01-23-2007

thanks chaps!

i cant say how happy i am about how it came out,it exceeded my expectations. Peter is doing some great work theese days ...ive seen some stuff he\'s been up to and it\'s jawdropping. thanks again fellas,much appreciated.

Enter The Facehugger - Deathwalk78 - 01-23-2007

Looks awesome always got the good stuff Cool

Enter The Facehugger - SuperDanDrista - 01-23-2007

That\'s a cool freakin score. I wonder does henry still make these blanks. I still have a beetlejuice i need painted

Enter The Facehugger - Fang - 01-23-2007

That peice rules! Peter murphy is an amazing painter as well, love the detail.

Enter The Facehugger - hellbound81 - 01-23-2007

sick piece man Smile

Enter The Facehugger - farid_krueger - 01-23-2007

Quote:I wonder does henry still make these blanks. 

Yes, he does Dan. :yes:

Enter The Facehugger - number2 - 01-23-2007

Quote:That\'s a cool freakin score. I wonder does henry still make these blanks.  I still have a beetlejuice i need painted

indeed he does...he still has molds for alot of his stuff.

and hey,i also have a beetlejuice i need painted Smile

Enter The Facehugger - SNIKT! - 01-23-2007

Peter is definately one of my favorites in the business. That is one badass piece #2!