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Anyone A Member Here Of - jonl - 09-26-2008

very cool! I have seen those before....i want one with punched hair! I just wonder how high the price is gonna be! eeeeek!

Anyone A Member Here Of - SimmonM - 09-26-2008

I own a copy of that bust - it is absolutely incredible in person:<img src=\"\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" /><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" />I'm sending you a PM.

Anyone A Member Here Of - travsall - 09-26-2008

I saw that Arnie take shape from it's conception, I think it is THE best likeness bust I've seen done, especially that Comando version, absolutly blew me away!! Good luck gettin one Jon!

Anyone A Member Here Of - capnvlad - 09-26-2008

wow! amazing work there

Anyone A Member Here Of - Patsmear - 09-26-2008

Just got a message from him:Thanks for getting in touch. The bust in the photos is spoken for I'm afraid. I can make copies but I don't have the time for any hairwork right now. A blank copy is £300, painted is £340. Eyes are another £100. If I ever got the time to finish another one with hair it would be more like £3500 - it takes about 2 months full time!So in dollars, you basically double that. So £300 is roughly $600.Pat

Anyone A Member Here Of - Mutilated - 09-26-2008

That's actually not as bad as I thought it would be, well worth the money for quality work like that.

Anyone A Member Here Of - jonl - 09-26-2008

hmm, well getting one finished is out of the question lol...but maybe one ready for hair...i could always learn how to punch hair lol.

Anyone A Member Here Of - Patsmear - 09-26-2008

Actually Punching hair is pretty easy just very time consuming. you could ask a local wig maker if they think they could do something like that.Pat