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Couple Lost Pics - Printable Version

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Couple Lost Pics - Mutilated - 12-06-2004

Whoa, that\'s a great costume dude.

Couple Lost Pics - Prime Time - 12-06-2004

awesome job dude....too bad my lefty aint here for me to take some pix w/ Sad anywho yea im glad i snagged TDC b4 he discontinued it..(atleast he says hes gonna) but yes tdc is one of the best freds right now....very awesome mask

Couple Lost Pics - gmyers - 12-06-2004

Awesome man! Big Grin I\'ll have to take some pics of mine soon too!

Couple Lost Pics - Jason-V - 12-06-2004

ive always been the Jason kinda guy(Hence my nick name) but i like the fred look..

Couple Lost Pics - farid_krueger - 12-06-2004

really cool pix my man!!!! B)

Couple Lost Pics - Lewis Tully - 12-06-2004

I thought about gettin\' a lefty from Mark, but they didn\'t put make-up on Rob\'s hand in Pt 1, and that\'s the look I\'m goin\' for... Ah well, I suppose I just made an excuse for myself NOT to spend money... which is a good thing. Tongue Take care!!!


Couple Lost Pics - leatherface91 - 12-06-2004

Nice pics
Whered you get that hand?

Couple Lost Pics - Jason-V - 12-06-2004

the hand "lefty" came from Mark as well as the Doll collector..Glove is me and Pugz older design.

Couple Lost Pics - englundisgod - 12-07-2004

no-ones said anything about the sign your standing with hilarious Smile

Couple Lost Pics - puckface - 12-07-2004

Hey, that sign you are standing with is hilarious Rolleyes