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New Wip Sculpt I'm Working On - Printable Version

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New Wip Sculpt I'm Working On - IbDaToNeGuY - 09-05-2012

Hmm I was told that the matte was the same . I watched alot of videos on youtube before doing it and lots of people have lots of different methods . Where would I be able to buy this dulling spray at ? Or maybe this mask making ( or attempting ) just isn\'t meant for me .

New Wip Sculpt I'm Working On - CreepingDead - 09-05-2012

I used to get it at an art store that was by my house but you could probably get it online

New Wip Sculpt I'm Working On - brettyboy - 09-09-2012

Looking good Mike!

New Wip Sculpt I'm Working On - Hideous Looking Man - 09-09-2012

Keep at it man. Sometimes you can only learn by doing, and you\'re doing just that! I admire your persistence and willingness to keep going with this. It\'s a lot easier to just give up and quit. I think you\'ll pull it off with some more effort and give some lucky JGTH fans a beautiful piece they\'ll be very pleased with. Just my two cents. And a pat on the back. Confusedmile:

New Wip Sculpt I'm Working On - IbDaToNeGuY - 09-09-2012

Thanks guys . I actually did re-mold the back half and it came off nicely . Now the tricky part that i\'ve been working at for the past couple days is getting the darn armature out of the front half lol . I\'ve already cleaned ut the clay all around it but it\'s still not budging . But i\'m sure , slowly it will . I just hope this mask turns out alot better than my first .

New Wip Sculpt I'm Working On - CreepingDead - 09-09-2012

Stick the mold outside in your car in the sun with the windows up for a couple hours. It will heat the clay to goo and you\'ll be able to pull that armature out. Let it cool down a bit and then you should be able to peel and clean the rest of the clay out.