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Christmas Scores - Printable Version

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Christmas Scores - ERASERHEAD - 01-04-2005

nice detail on that mutant, freckles? cool! the Hockey Mask is nice, but i\'d [refer a different weathering

Christmas Scores - VF31 - 01-04-2005

wowee wow, GREAT scores man!

Christmas Scores - WilliamAbuJannah - 01-04-2005

that mutant is awesome. The skin painting is spot on and looks real. I hate it when masks that are all \'flesh\' colored are just one uniform color all the way around. It looks so fake.

That skin tone on the mutant is awesome. Looks like there\'s even freckles on his neck. Too CooL!!

Christmas Scores - killnskin - 01-05-2005

my pleasure Alan, glad you liked what you got.

Christmas Scores - englundisgod - 01-05-2005

another masterpiece by andy and justin cheers, there is some intense weathering on that Hockey Mask