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Woah Got A Cool Idea - Krazy Ken - 01-28-2005

sweet charger what kinda paintjob are you gonna give it?

Woah Got A Cool Idea - Jason-V - 01-28-2005

Yeah to bad it ant a 69 charger... youd be a Duke for sure!!!1

Woah Got A Cool Idea - WilliamAbuJannah - 01-28-2005

:o that is a seriously nice f\'ing car right there.

I love 60\'s and 70\'s cars. Back when they were made of steel and not plastic.

Woah Got A Cool Idea - alvanaxe - 01-28-2005

Quote:hey Al thats nice is that your shop too?
Thats some nice space there .
You need to move to the south to be a duke boy yeeeehaw!!
I wish that were my shop! That is the place where I went to pick up the car!

Quote:sweet charger what kinda paintjob are you gonna give it?
The car will be gloss black when I get through!

Quote:that is a seriously nice f\'ing car right there.

I love 60\'s and 70\'s cars. Back when they were made of steel and not plastic.

Actually most of the car is steel except the entire front half, it is Fiberglass. I wanted a car that had some weight loss!

Woah Got A Cool Idea - The13thDreamShape - 01-29-2005

Quote:yah pinhead try and wrap yer head around that one, it could stop mexicans fron stealing your car ??????
- Aaron
I REALLY DISLIKE THAT COMMENT... THAT WAS RACIST.. i do not appreciate it... Please delete that.

and im not mexican... racism just bothers...

Why stereo type them as car stealkin ppl? Thats not right dude.

Woah Got A Cool Idea - Clint - 01-29-2005

Two words-------Screw Mopar!!!!!!! :lol:
[Image: camino2.bmp]
[Image: camino3.bmp]
[Image: dcb5fc21.bmp]
Just Kiddin, that Dodge is sweet 340, 440...?????

Woah Got A Cool Idea - alvanaxe - 01-29-2005

383 now, 440 soon with this toy....................

[Image: f6523.jpg]

Woah Got A Cool Idea - Clint - 01-29-2005

Not big enough, that is the little one, that only takes the single carb, go bigger on a big block, like 6-71 or 8-71. See the idler, that blower is for small cubes and small gains, if you had a bone-stock 340 or 383 that would give you a very noticiable gain. 68 charger with a 440 begs for a 8-71 with 2 750s.

Woah Got A Cool Idea - IbDaToNeGuY - 01-29-2005

Quote:yah pinhead try and wrap yer head around that one, it could stop mexicans fron stealing your car ??????

- Aaron
was that really needed to be said ? <_<


maybe "some" people should think a little harder before they put it into words .

Woah Got A Cool Idea - Krazy Ken - 01-29-2005

hey clint whatchya got in that el camino? im fixin to put a 300 hp 350 in my camaro here in a few months when it warms up alil and also do some body work. maybe later down the road im gonna put a blower on it but its alot of money. anyways i was just curious