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New Nmm78 Pics. Me Wearin It. - Printable Version

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New Nmm78 Pics. Me Wearin It. - HalloweeN - 01-29-2005

Great pix Will!! That knife is also lookin good with that Nmm!!
Jon Big Grin

New Nmm78 Pics. Me Wearin It. - The13thDreamShape - 01-29-2005

Oh hell yeah the knife does... its really sick

New Nmm78 Pics. Me Wearin It. - WilliamAbuJannah - 01-29-2005

way ta go Willie!!!! Great mask and great pics man!! I know that\'s a larger mask then the Neme, it seems to fit you well though.

Remember, h1 Mike was kind of skinny, the mask looked a little big on him too.

New Nmm78 Pics. Me Wearin It. - The13thDreamShape - 01-29-2005

Thanks Bill! Yea, it is a little big on me and i get that Great h1 look.... but im wearin a ski mask underneathe for better movement and fit. it looks great. Maybe more pics will come along with Nemie soon

New Nmm78 Pics. Me Wearin It. - THE_SHAPE - 01-30-2005

I love that mask! by the way, i dont mean to interfere with this post but since my question is myers related, did myers have those OD green jungle boots with the panama sole, or were they something different?