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I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - Old_B@st@rd - 03-15-2005

As far as the a$$ kissin\', just think how Justin must feel...the amount of people comin at him just plain "suckin" from his backside. How COULD you think anyone was coming to you genuinely as a "friend". With all the calls maessages and such constantly, especially from most you\'ve never even met, or will meet in person.

Mike, I don\'t think you should concern yourself with that. The people who truely like your work, are the people that keep comin\' back for more business, and refer other people to you. I would think by now you\'re probaly gettin\' enough orders that it should even be a thought in your mind whether someone really likes your masks or not.

I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - mike - 03-15-2005

well im not worried i was jsut curious what make someone act like that..its not about whos work you like its about not saying one thing to me like this guy suks and blah then going to them and telling them all kinds of stuff then taking sides like i dont know the truth..SO many are trying to ruin my name but it cant be donei see more of my work floating around and i sell to haunted attractions cross country so i have no need to bash anyone..

funny thing is that like i had about 10 IMs withing 5 minutes after this post and whatta ya know it was some of the same people im talking about..It very simple leave me alone, dont bother me cause, and keep my name out your mouth and what i find stupid is them also badmouthing certain guys talking bout there waits being too long and prices are gettin too high like im not gonna take offense jsut be casue it isnt me..if peopel fell that way about NIGHTOWL products dotn get them,I myself have about 7-8 mask on order,anmd im about to send the J man more money..

SO dont bother me and leave me alone..

I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - Mutilated - 03-15-2005

I may sound like a dick saying this but if people keep im\'ing you on AOL that\'s your own fault for posting your AIM name on the board in the first place and there are certain settings wich allow you to block everyone from IMing you if their not on your buddylist.

I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - mike - 03-15-2005

Quote:I may sound like a dick saying this but if people keep im\'ing you on AOL that\'s your own fault for posting your AIM name on the board in the first place and there are certain settings wich allow you to block everyone from IMing you if their not on your buddylist.

uh if i do that then people who need to talk to me cant if there on not oin my buddy well as my aim name being posted is no reason for bullshit thast like saying the keys were in the car so i stole it...Also my screen name is same as email so it doesnt matter if its psoted or not thanks you for your reply good day

I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - Andy - 03-15-2005

Well everyones entitled to their own opinion but, opinion and bad-mouthing are two completely different things. Bashing someone elses work behind the makers back is pretty low but thankfully this community is pretty tight so the dickheads that do it are often exposed.

Steven said it perfectly "personally if I dont like a mask... I dont post anything... why lie?" Exactly. If you dont like the piece or dont have anything nice to say, just keep your gob shut!. No one will every make a piece that everyone likes, we\'re all different and look for different things in a mask but does it make you feel better to slag it off or bad mouth the maker to your buds? I doubt it <_<

Keep doing what you do Mike, If you build it they will come :wink:

I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - RCuomo 2.0 - 03-15-2005

Exactly... thats what Ive always been saying... You dont like it.. keep your trap shut... Wink Ive seen a member or two from this board kissin major a$$ on other boards to the mask maker... and then on here they bash that same mask maker... I take my own advice... if I dont like it... I keep my trap shut... specially if I think some people on here are wankers Wink Why start trouble?


I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - The13thDreamShape - 03-15-2005

I state the truth.

I agree with fang, Sometimes people do it to get discounts on they\'re masks.

I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - gmyers - 03-15-2005

That\'s the sad thing, that peopl actually do it for discounts. I do get discounts sometimes, but I feel horrible accepting them. I feel like i\'m cheating the maker. Mike, I hope you don\'t mind when I IM you about randon stuff and mask making questions Smile

P.S. Very good post Rcumo, never post if you don\'t like someones work. I myself being a scuplor/mask maker, understands how hard it is to make masks. Just ask Mark.....he walked me through it ALL Big Grin

I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - Cory - 03-15-2005

Mike dude...what happened man?

I Have A Question And I Need You Guys's Thoughts - Jason-V - 03-15-2005

As far as asskissers go... theres a lot posting in this thread that claim they hate it.. but in reality are the biggest asskissers ive ever seen on any Forum....