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Wtb-bubba Mask - Your Opinions Sought! - Printable Version

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Wtb-bubba Mask - Your Opinions Sought! - Mask Murderers - 08-01-2005

Ego check, ONE TWO, check, check, dude get off the ego trip thing, ya don\'t even no me, I don\'t think much about my stuff but here is a pic of the bust I am doing the 3 of just to show ya & usually I don\'t try to make sales here on the off topic, it is just nice to hear after all the masks I have made that maybe you could say hey Bob makes an ok one to, ya no, It does not matter if he buys from me, just wanted to let him no options!


[Image: sss12.jpg]

Wtb-bubba Mask - Your Opinions Sought! - Jason-V - 08-01-2005

Heres my stiches

Notice hand punched hair line

Wtb-bubba Mask - Your Opinions Sought! - JV13 - 08-01-2005

Man, I can\'t say what to go with, but that stitches is looking pretty badass. I also heard of a mask called "headskinner." Not sure who makes it, but that thing looked cool too.

Wtb-bubba Mask - Your Opinions Sought! - Pugsly - 08-01-2005

Well bob i told another board member here last time that you made a descent remake mask.but this is all about me not liking the bill Moseley sculpture, Oh well dude, whatever.and just cause i dindt say Bob makes a ok one in ths thread you flip out with the BS you said.What that sculpture is suppose to impress me Bob?Looks ok i guess but who knows what the finished mask will look like.

BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK.....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK.....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK......................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK....................
BOB MAKES A OKREMAKE MASK....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK....................

Wtb-bubba Mask - Your Opinions Sought! - djfrance - 08-01-2005

Just what I was afraid of.
Sorry I asked...well, not really.
I meant ZERO harm.
I appreciate the fact that Bob or anyone else is promoting their stuff to me...that\'s cool. I too, am a business man...not in the mask business have you, but still you have to sell yourself. I totally get that! I have found that the best route to get business is to "promote the hell out of what you have to offer" and don\'t even acknowledge what the competition is doing. KEEP negative thoughts about others to yourself. It only makes what your doing seem weak and inferior. At the end of the day, your work speaks for itself and eventually others will speak for your work.
I\'d just like to see some pics of different versions of this mask. No one sees things identical. The actual screen used mask, with the wrong lighting and a bad angle shot can look less like the film than something made from scratch by an independent artist. That\'s why I\'m asking for PICS! Bob\'s mask could very well be the one does the trick for me, or Conors or bubba74\'s. Just post some pics of your work and let the masks do the talking.

Keep the bashing off my topic.
If you want to attack one another start your own post and title it "bullshit" :wink: .

DJ steps off his soapbox.

Wtb-bubba Mask - Your Opinions Sought! - dougie - 08-01-2005

Sawguy is an awesome mask...But I dont know if Justin still makes them

[Image: sawguy1.jpg]

Wtb-bubba Mask - Your Opinions Sought! - leatherface74 - 08-01-2005

well i do make one, but it was my second full head sculpture so its not the best in the world but at least i tried. here are pics of 2 dif styles i did a long time ago. I airbrush them a hole lot different now. ill have pics of one of my newer ones in the next couple of days. iam working on a movie at the moment, so its hard to have time to work on my masks.sorry, ill have pics of asap :wink:



Wtb-bubba Mask - Your Opinions Sought! - mike - 08-01-2005

i make masks LOL but it all depends on how goo u want the paint,hair and scuplt theres some mask with hair just layed and glued on sloppy as shit and theres other nicer ones..but its all in what ya want

Wtb-bubba Mask - Your Opinions Sought! - goaliehack - 08-01-2005

Quote:I can make you a skinner 2.0 or a 3.0 plus I have a limited display, there is only 3 that I am making, 2 are already sold, I am dam busy though so the wait time is stupid retarded, so go with Conor, you  no that Pugsly guy goes on a rant about how great Stitches is everytime, so listen to puglsy he no\'s what\'s the best!
Bob, what are we gonna do with you? Big Grin You see, when a guy says "I like conors Stiches"...that isn\'t a rant. HOWEVER, when you go on and on about a guy not liking your work, and how noone mentioned YOUR headskinner....THAT is a rant. Shit man, its like your taking a step forward with your talent, but then you take two steps back in the eyes of people just because of your attitude. So I speak for all of NIGHTOWL when I say, sorry we didn\'t promote your mask/work.....on the NIGHTOWL forum. Don\'t get me wrong Bob, I dig your work bro. This has nothing to do with your talent. Its just your attitude man.

Wtb-bubba Mask - Your Opinions Sought! - goaliehack - 08-01-2005

bubba Remake masks out there.
Saw Guy
Headskinner/new skin