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Gohs 8 Bust! - Printable Version

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Gohs 8 Bust! - gmyers - 08-14-2005

That looks awesome man, awesome score! Smile

Gohs 8 Bust! - KingViper - 08-14-2005

So when you selling it? Wink

Gohs 8 Bust! - IbDaToNeGuY - 08-14-2005

ok i\'m a little fuzzy on this subject , so please if someone can shine some light on it for me please go righ ahead and do . alright so i hear that this bust is from GOHS but how did Aaron get a blank of it ? are they working together or did he sell the mold ?


Gohs 8 Bust! - jonl - 08-14-2005

Aaron has had that blank for sometime now, I paid for it in January.
He had it for alot longer than that if I am correct.
The 8 blank was for himeself, and didn\'t have plans on selling it. But i was so consistant on asking him to paint it, and sell it to me. He finally gave in.
I thank you again and again Aaron.

Gohs 8 Bust! - jonl - 08-14-2005

Quote:So when you selling it? Wink

It won\'t ever be for sale.

Gohs 8 Bust! - ssj4freddy - 08-14-2005

Nice work Aaron and I like the progress pictures. Smile

Gohs 8 Bust! - FVJ Leatherface - 08-14-2005

Looks awesome, love the in process pics Smile

Gohs 8 Bust! - Mask Murderers - 08-14-2005

You no I hate how part 8 looks with a passion but damn Aaron he did a really, really nice paint job on that man, great job & congrats Jonl, being constant sometimes pays off & in your case it did.

Congrats to both you guys, Aaron for an outstanding paint up on an aweful looking character :lol: & to Jon for getting a very nice piece B) .


Gohs 8 Bust! - VF31 - 08-14-2005

lets see it with ur Hockey Mask !

Gohs 8 Bust! - dougie - 08-14-2005

WOW!! Very awesome man :wink: