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Is $150 A Good Deal For This Evilution? - Printable Version

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Is $150 A Good Deal For This Evilution? - myers04 - 09-21-2005

Quote:he said it was either a proto or a very early pull so maybe thats why the neck is short?
yeah the neck on thats way to short check out my evilution i got from 2bloody not long ago..

Is $150 A Good Deal For This Evilution? - jonl - 09-21-2005

looks like your getting half off the price for half a mask


Is $150 A Good Deal For This Evilution? - WarLocK - 09-21-2005

That is a very early pull from the first run. It\'s one of the few you\'ll see w/ the yellowish tint and the glossy finish. Romel is the owner of that mask and I sold it to him way back. The neck was trimmed a bit b/c its a larger mask and it didn\'t look proper when worn w/ the longer neck b/c no skin would show. $150 is a great deal, considering he paid $400 for it.

Is $150 A Good Deal For This Evilution? - spawn666 - 09-21-2005

cool thanx for that info Smile

Is $150 A Good Deal For This Evilution? - WarLocK - 09-21-2005

Quote:cool thanx for that info Smile

Always my pleasure. :wink:

Is $150 A Good Deal For This Evilution? - VF31 - 09-21-2005

that mask is ooooold, id grab it

Is $150 A Good Deal For This Evilution? - coreyfeldman - 09-22-2005

yeah!!! I got it. For 122.50 Big Grin


Is $150 A Good Deal For This Evilution? - coreyfeldman - 09-23-2005

Oh yeah for my fellow ebayers who use paypal, ebay pays for like 10%(up to $25 maximum discount) off your purchase if you type in the word CELEBRATE under the coupon code offered before you click PAY. This is something for their 10th anniversary or something. Just got $12 knocked off that mask. Hurry offer ends Sept. 28th. Pass it on. Big Grin

Also screen used JGTH mask on the bay.
