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Opening Night Pics - Martoch - 10-27-2005

Haha, that\'s awesome...great job on your costume!

Quote:I didn\'t even realize there was a Pigman in Saw, I honestly wasn\'t paying to much attention when I seen that movie. I\'ll have to rent it and watch it again.

I\'ve got a cap of the Saw pig mask here:

Opening Night Pics - Soldier48 - 10-27-2005

Holy Shit! Martoch! That mask looks just like it. And I honestly had no clue... Maybe it was stuck in the back of my head and that\'s why I came up with the idea????

Thanks for all of the comments everyone.

Opening Night Pics - Last_of_the_Brunnen-G - 10-27-2005

Why are you only open for 4 days? Aren\'t Halloween haunted houses normally open every weekend in October? Cool costumes and pics btw.

Opening Night Pics - Soldier48 - 10-27-2005

Quote:Why are you only open for 4 days?  Aren\'t Halloween haunted houses normally open every weekend in October?  Cool costumes and pics btw.

This Haunted House is on a Military Base, and we are only allowed to be open a certain amount of time. So to get my fix I volunteer at other local Haunts when mine isn\'t open.

****Alright I guess I\'ll share alittle more with you all. Making videos is my real hobby, so here is the website for our House, it\'s nothing special but it has the video to last years house in it. But don\'t be fooled because this years house is 20 times better then last years. Weve been working on it since July instead of only working on it a month like last year.****

Opening Night Pics - Martoch - 10-27-2005

I hear sound, but no video...using FF. Does it only work in IE? I\'ll check in a bit...

EDIT: Okay, worked fine in IE.

Good job making the video!
Big Grin

Our house opens up again tonight through Halloween...gonna be a busy busy weekend. Last year we had over 5,000 people come through. I think we\'ll top that this year.

Opening Night Pics - WestlakeDarkman - 10-27-2005

sounds cool

Opening Night Pics - Soldier48 - 10-28-2005

Quote:I like the make-up/special effects. Out haunted house is named House of nightmares too. Big Grin

I like the name, but I wanted something more demonic, but being on base we had to keep it simple. But its effective, it lets you change your theme and not your name.

So tonight was amazing! We had so many people freak out that had to be escorted out of the house early. Many people freaked out and left before they even got in the house because the Line is Leather Face "Terror"itory. Then since I designed the house and haven\'t been in while we are open I tagged along with the final group, and I was even caught off guard many time during the Haunt. I think the reason it\'s working so well is that we have 30 military members packed into a house like sardines that are willing to stop at no expense to scare the Living sh*t out of our guests.

Opening Night Pics - antisocial1 - 10-28-2005

That just reminded me of my brother. He\'s 14, and taller than me... like 5\'9"-ish? I dunno, most of y\'all probably think that\'s short, lol. Anyway, my bf and I took him to one of the local haunted houses, and the kid started having a panic attack after like the first 5 rooms. I mean, he went down to his knees and started crying. I enjoyed it too much for what it was... but at the same time, I was pissed \'cause I thought we were going to have to get out early. I ended up dragging him through a couple more rooms, pushing him in front of me, and then he saw one of the actors move and got excited, because it finally hit him that they weren\'t real, lmfao. From then on, he started saying hi to everyone and commenting on their performance and costumes. Ruined my fun, but eh. Definately more fun when you have someone that screams when stuff jumps out at them, lol.

Opening Night Pics - Soldier48 - 10-28-2005

It\'s funny how people lose there grasp on reality when you place them in a uncomfortable situation like a Haunted House. That\'s why we try to immerse them in another world the second they pull up. Then I totally burst there preconceived notion about a haunted house when we interact with them so much. I\'ve already got smacked once, and choked. All by females who were scared of me. I think it\'s so funny when someone freaks out. Now within reason I mean. We have some parents who drag there 6-7 year old daughters through the house. It makes me wonder what the F**K they are thinking. So I try to scare them away before they even come in.

Opening Night Pics - jpetz - 10-28-2005

That is too funny. I havent been to a haunted house yet this year. I might go check some out tonight. It sounds like yours is awesome!