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Thought I'd Share A Couple Of Halloween Pics - Printable Version

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Thought I'd Share A Couple Of Halloween Pics - kirk myers - 11-03-2005

Very awesome Chainsaw!!!
Where did you get the Evilution?
Incredible copy man

Thought I'd Share A Couple Of Halloween Pics - Martoch - 11-03-2005

Quote:...and in case anyone is wondering, Jason isn\'t much for travelling in the car. No conversation whatsoever  Tongue .

Haha, good one!
[Image: chuckle.gif]

Thought I'd Share A Couple Of Halloween Pics - Chainsaw - 11-03-2005

Quote:Very awesome Chainsaw!!!
Where did you get the Evilution?
Incredible copy man

The Evilution was the very first mask I actually received...back in June. Bought it off Ebay for $86. I just got this back from Justin as he was kind enough to rehair and repaint it for me Big Grin . Looks killer in person. Has a totally different paintjob than other copies.