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This Is What I Woke Up To This Morning...brrrr! - antisocial1 - 12-10-2005

Quote:Damn guys, that sucks not having snow for Christmas. Snow really gets me into the Christmas spirit. Well, I guys you could tear up your pillows and put cotton all over the yard and on top of your house.
lmfao. That\'d make them appear to be sane...
I love snow too. But maybe that\'s because we never get precipitation here. I love it when we get blizzards here and can\'t go to work. I have some really cool pics I don\'t have scanned where the snow was piled up on the side of my house all the way to the roof. But this year, we haven\'t gotten much. Even that arctic cold front didn\'t bring any. Sad But we did get this a couple of weeks ago:


This Is What I Woke Up To This Morning...brrrr! - Rayne00 - 12-10-2005

We got about 2 1/2 feet this week. It sux but unfortunately it\'s the norm here in CNY.

This Is What I Woke Up To This Morning...brrrr! - GBeninati - 12-10-2005

afrter it took me five hours to get to work yesterday (that was a true story) I was driving home and I was thinking to myself how the roads were bad, there was about an inch of ice that was white and where you coudl see the pavement was black ice and when it changed from white to black it was very bumpy...ANYWAY I am driving about 45 mph on the highway and a car was driving about the same speed in my blind spot in two lanes of traffic. I look ahead and I see a car driving THE OPPOSITE WAY DOWN THE HIGHWAY!! I wasn;t goign to hit the car but if I didn;t swerve into the breakdown lane the car next to me would have hit him head on for sure. Farking morons.

This Is What I Woke Up To This Morning...brrrr! - HorrorFX - 12-10-2005

Yeah it can get pretty rough when there has been a heavy downpour of snow.

This Is What I Woke Up To This Morning...brrrr! - antisocial1 - 12-10-2005

Geeze... driving in the wrong lane? That\'d be scary. Good thing you saw it.
I\'m tired of all cold weather and negatives if there isn\'t going to be any snow. What\'s in my picture was gone that same day.
Maybe I only like snow because we don\'t get enough of it? And I like driving in snow...kinda like driving in mud, but you have less control. Then again, nevermind. Driving in snow and ice = bad.

This Is What I Woke Up To This Morning...brrrr! - Jason-V - 12-10-2005

you peckers suck! Or is it suck suckers...anyway..

Man i hope NC gets a decent snow this year.. i love driving in it.. but most people dont need to drive in it.. most cant....

This Is What I Woke Up To This Morning...brrrr! - antisocial1 - 12-10-2005

Quote:you peckers suck! Or is it suck suckers...anyway..

Man i hope NC gets a decent snow this year.. i love driving in it.. but most people dont need to drive in it.. most cant....
lmfao, that\'s my problem here. In Texas, everyone here is used to it being warm, so when it snows, and the roads ice over, they\'re still going 65 on the highways, the stupid fucks. Can\'t say I\'m not entertained when they pass me only to slide right off the road into the ditch, hehehe.

This Is What I Woke Up To This Morning...brrrr! - GBeninati - 12-10-2005

driving in the snow is like playing a really cool video game...although I have a four wheel drive vehicle with 33 inch tires..
this is a picture of my truck when my front shocks were totally blown for four wheeling(since modified)

This Is What I Woke Up To This Morning...brrrr! - Jason-V - 12-10-2005

Yeah i just go slow and if shit gets bad ill come back and get the ATV

This Is What I Woke Up To This Morning...brrrr! - antisocial1 - 12-10-2005

Quote:driving in the snow is like playing a really cool video game...although I have a four wheel drive vehicle with 33 inch tires..
this is a picture of my truck when my front shocks were totally blown for four wheeling(since modified)
That\'s why I like driving in it too! I\'ve always had 4wd vehicles, and love to throw \'em out in the mud and snow to see how they drive. Hehehe. Getting stuck is the unfun part. The dirt road I live on is in a lake-bottom, so...yeah... always afraid of sliding into the ditch and having the engine drown in water.