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New Mask Sculpt! In Works! - Printable Version

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New Mask Sculpt! In Works! - Krazy Ken - 02-18-2006

wow, i\'m impressed. Looking good man. Lucio Fulci is one of my favorite directors.

New Mask Sculpt! In Works! - Halloween1978 - 02-18-2006

sculpture looks great! I think it might look better if the mouth was opened a lil more and his top lip came over his teeth just a tad more.

New Mask Sculpt! In Works! - D-bach - 02-18-2006

hey using peanuts, is a great idea!!!, i really liking that sculpture.

New Mask Sculpt! In Works! - SPAZ - 02-18-2006

Quote:hey using peanuts, is a great idea!!!, i really liking that sculpture.
Thanks man

New Mask Sculpt! In Works! - Neewollah - 02-18-2006

Nice sculpture, man! You\'re not to shabby at scuplting. I agree with what Warlock said. :thumbsup: