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Another Sw Project Finished - Andy - 04-24-2006

Classy is my middle name.

They don\'t call me fur coat and no knickers for nothing B)

Another Sw Project Finished - SuperDanDrista - 04-24-2006

Where can you pick up a Gf kit directly??

I always see the FX kits on the bay...

Another Sw Project Finished - adam - 04-25-2006

Quote:Where can you pick up a Gf kit directly??

I always see the FX kits on the bay...
I\'ve been wondering the same thing!!! Please Pm us!

Another Sw Project Finished - mayney - 04-25-2006

Im beginning to love seeing these Star Wars items...may have to break into that area..... very accurate!

Another Sw Project Finished - puckface - 04-25-2006

Andy\'s as good as kit\'s as Trav is as customizing action figs :lol:

very nice Andy, very nice

Another Sw Project Finished - Andy - 04-25-2006

Cheers fellas but steady on Scott, we all know Travis is the master around here, mustn\'t offend the gods!

PM\'s replied and PM\'s sent :thumbsup:

Another Sw Project Finished - travsall - 04-25-2006

The gods like what they see :wink:
Man that is a beautiful bucket Andy!! I haven\'t seen much better Sandy weathering ever, amazing stuff buddy!! Your collection is looking fantastic too mate, better every time I see it!! I can\'t freaking wait to get my kit, on pins and needles waiting for it!!!!

Another Sw Project Finished - adam - 04-26-2006

If I got a Trooper helmet, I would probably want mine clean, but I def. relate to you guys who add the battle damage/scars to your pieces, and there is no exception here. Nice work Andy. Hope to have some things soon to impress you gents with. Smile

Another Sw Project Finished - Andy - 04-26-2006

Thanks alot Travis, Adam. Looking forward to seeing what you\'ve both got up your selves :thumbsup:

Another Sw Project Finished - puckface - 04-26-2006

love the labels :wink:

very creative, and they even have an "official" look