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Freddy Vs. Jason - Printable Version

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Freddy Vs. Jason - DragoBloodlust - 04-25-2006

Very Fuckin\' cool. When you display them, the fred would look cool with red and gree ribbon coming out of the sides, and the Jason with "leather ribbon", as that\'s the manner in which the comedy/tragedy were usually seen.

Freddy Vs. Jason - Bear - 04-25-2006

Thanks Guys...we really appreciate it. And Drago, that\'s exactly what we had in mind for the ribbons. They will either be vacuum formed or fiberglass, or maybe both. Haven\'t decided yet which way to go, for cost it would be cheaper to vacuum form, but we\'ll see.

So, with that in\'s a glimpse of the test paint. These are latex vesions which is why the Hockey Mask looks a little warped.

[Image: MVC-810F.jpg]
[Image: MVC-811F.jpg]
[Image: MVC-812F.jpg]

Freddy Vs. Jason - Martoch - 04-25-2006

OMG I\'m in love! those things are sooooo sweet!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Freddy Vs. Jason - Bear - 04-25-2006

awww shucks!! :wub:

Freddy Vs. Jason - kidtaff - 04-25-2006

pretty damn cool!

Freddy Vs. Jason - mike - 04-25-2006

love them pure greatness

Freddy Vs. Jason - Bear - 04-25-2006

Here\'s the inspiration of the masks. I\'ll be offering decal and t-shirt versions as well in the very near future!! :thumbsup:


and here\'s a look at the decal so far...

[Image: vs.jpg]

Freddy Vs. Jason - travsall - 04-25-2006

those are awesome!!! Bear man, I freakin love em!!! When you start makin em, let me know.

Freddy Vs. Jason - Bear - 04-25-2006

the decals are ready and the masks should be ready this weekend.

thanks man.

Freddy Vs. Jason - antisocial1 - 04-25-2006

Very cool, Bear. Smile