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Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash - Krazy Ken - 10-07-2004

hey what about Ash i thought he was with a diff. company. I think Sam Raimi has all of his rights doesnt he?

Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash - farid_krueger - 10-07-2004

Quote:i really couldnt give a damn about freddy even though his glove is cool.
:angry: :angry: :ph34r: :blink:

Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash - Krazy Ken - 10-07-2004

man i havebeen arguing my whole life about who is better F or J with my brother. we used to get in fights as kids when we started talking about it. Its pretty funny stuff now that i go back and think about it.

Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash - farid_krueger - 10-07-2004

lol Big Grin
i feel you man,. its been the same with me and one of my best friends who love Jaon.
its all good!! B)

Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash - Lewis Tully - 10-07-2004

Quote:hey what about Ash i thought he was with a diff. company. I think Sam Raimi has all of his rights doesnt he?
yeah, I think Sam does own the rights to Ash, which means that he can "loan" the character to whichever company he wants. He could "loan" the character to Dimension, and have it be Ash VS Michael. I know that Michael is owned by Miramax (Dimension\'s parent company) and that there would never be a cross over movie with Jason, Freddy, and Michael, but I just cringe every time I see the remote suggestion of such a movie... Makes me nervous.


Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash - Krazy Ken - 10-07-2004

i just wish that they would drop all of these vs ideas and go back to just the regular movies. I just dont see Ash in with Freddy or Jason. i also heard that something is in the works for Leprachaun vs. Chucky. This is what im talking about they see that F vs. J made money so now they are going to try to wear this one out and get some money then move on to something else.

Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash - jpetz - 10-07-2004

i want them to keep on making jason movies. i love to see how many different looks they can give him. i dont think that ash has any business being in a movie with freddy and jason though. that will suck. i will still go see...dont get me wrong but i dont see how it could be good though.

Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash - misfit - 10-08-2004

I HIGHLY doubt this movie will be made. Sam Raimi does indeed own the rights to Ash and all of his other Evil Dead characters, and he COULD indeed "loan" the character to NL for this cluster-f@#* disgrace of a film idea. BUT, I do believe NL already denied Sam the director\'s chair on this one so it\'s likely that this one will go to the trashcan.

Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash - alvanaxe - 10-08-2004

Here is a screen cap from the movie Jason goes to hell. It is the Necronomicon. Maybe they could work it in????

[Image: jgth_shot6l.jpg]

Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash - Mick7 - 10-08-2004

Thats what I hated about Jason goes to hell, In that scene Newline is trying to say that Jason is nothing but some posessed demon thing that needs a friggin book to keep him alive, thats why I like the paramount films way better then the newline ones, In Paramount Jason was an indestructable Killing Machine, Not a Demonic creature, They should have never put the Necronomican into Jgth, because that way they\'ll just work it into FvsJ2 and have Ash somehow put Freddy and Jason away for good, and I really am not looking forward to that, because its preety obvious they will make ash win, wanna know why? Because Newline is Borrowing Ash from another company, and they\'ll obvisouly pay Newline extra to make their Icon Kill Both Freddy and Jason. It makes me Sick, it really does make me Sick, I dont care who Kills Ash in that movie, whether it be Freddy, or Jason, I hope one of them Kills Ash, or atleast beats him extreamly badly sending him running for the hills, so Fred and Jay can finish what they started, Because I dont want Ash to win this Fight.