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Why Do People? - Printable Version

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Why Do People? - Prime Time - 02-02-2005

im the only kid who wears horror clothin to school lol, no one stays in my room w/ the lights off cause they\'re afraid my masks are gonna come to life, and slice them LOL...f*ckin idiots

Why Do People? - GBeninati - 02-02-2005

they say you\'re beautiful and always let you in, but the doors are never open to a child without a trace of sin.

Why Do People? - Systematic Killer - 02-02-2005

Same here with me I wear horror clothing all the time it\'s just their stupidity that gets me for example I was wearing my Jason hoodie the other day and a someone came up to me that supposed to be Michael Myers? :unsure:

Why Do People? - JV666 - 02-02-2005

Quote:Yeah same here bro.  It seems like every girl that i\'ve went out with, can\'t really appreciate me for who I am...that just look at my strange because i\'m like in love with horror.
That sucks for you guys... Alotta the chics I know think it\'s either awesome or they just don\'t care either way.

Why Do People? - englundisgod - 02-02-2005

well for me its awesome ill go out to the post office and especially old people will just stare at you for like 20 mins so when i lokks at them the look away and i walk next to them and go BAGAH-BOOGA-BOOGA i will yell at them or if that fal ill cut on loose when I walk by :lol: well im the sme way mick7 when people look at me they are scared i will try and kill them but only cause I act like one Smile

and the thing that reall pisses me off when i got the new carb for on of my saws i went out on halloween i went out trick or treating as lf even though im 15 i might go out this year when im 16 and i was completely decked out lf mask,full ankle lenght canvas apron, cowboy boot,etc and working chainsaw Smile and i ran up and down peoples streets at 10:00 pm at night with a chainsaw squealing and yelling like Bubba and someone sps me on the street while im holding my chainsaw right to this guys face and he says "THATS THE MOST KICKASS FREDDY COSTUME I\'VE EVER SEEN" that made me laugh so histarically i almost pisse myself and just after he left i started the saw ad yelled at him and i still remember this

- Aaron