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The Ultimate Friday The 13th? - mike - 03-08-2005

its gonan suk regardless fvsj was filled with cornly unrealistic kill scenes..unrealistic looking blood and they made jason a pitiful little prick they need kane,woods, cool jason look and get back to the real jason we grew up on

The Ultimate Friday The 13th? - VF31 - 03-08-2005

im not big on sean, call me weird but as great as part 1 is hes done nothing for me.

Miner is a good idea

hell even Zito

The Ultimate Friday The 13th? - The13thDreamShape - 03-08-2005

I think its a good idea to have Tarantino write and direct.. i love all his movies... hes just a very smart guy with movies. I would love to see him make another friday movie... well Jason movie

The Ultimate Friday The 13th? - IbDaToNeGuY - 03-08-2005

New Line make the "ultamate" Friday movie ? please , what a joke if i ever heard one before :lol: . the only thing i can see them doing with a jason movie is trash it or make fun of it in some way like jason goes to clooege and kills the teachers for giving him a bad grade and killing the kids for making fun of him . that\'s what the jason movies have come to these days . you ask any of us here on the board what would be our fav. jason movie and it wouldn\'t be a NL i can tell ya that for sure . pretty much they just don\'t care about it anymore for it to be scary . look at the Chucky movies , used to be great but now it\'s comedy :angry: . i just hope they will leave it alone or sell the rights to a copany that really wants to do something to the series that will help it .


The Ultimate Friday The 13th? - VF31 - 03-08-2005

well, its not just new lines fault alot of icons became jokes,

they didnt help the fact but they didnt cause it either really

cmon, whos gonna be afraid of jason nowadays? or a killer doll?


so for the fans and more for the money they keep the franchise alive, and now the movies are about the killers, routing for the killers, laughing at the person who gets slaughtered by the killer...

it just seems the route to go when uve seen the same (reletivly same) hockey mask on screen 10 times

but it seems no new blood will get poured into the veins of the J man...we need aspiring horror writers and directors....thats what made the originals so great, they were young, green and poor...kinda funny we get a great movie from that but we did on alot of accounts....

now its all older ppl with lame ideas and billions of dollars to make it come to life..

i for one say Whoopdy F\'n Do

this whole thing just makes me hate FvsJ even more.....cuz it could have been a good movie....if they only did the opposite of everything they ended up doing.


The Ultimate Friday The 13th? - puckface - 03-08-2005

Right on Steve, you are right. Its all guys who want money, and will do what tehy "think" is cool to a movie, and do what they can to get the green. Everything nowadays is gay, becuase it is lame stories, and sucky imagery. That little thing is what I like to call "cgi"

The Ultimate Friday The 13th? - VF31 - 03-08-2005

zactly puck

cgi is welcomed to me but its gotta be tasteful..and done right

and not used for makeup or character effects.....backgrounds are ok

coloration, ok

simple things to highten the overall look of the finished product

but if the effect CAN be done in real life, then DO it in real life

The Ultimate Friday The 13th? - alvanaxe - 03-08-2005

We shall have to wait and see what happens but I hope for the best!

[Image: pf10.jpg]

The Ultimate Friday The 13th? - JV13 - 03-09-2005

"What\'s that Jason? Speak louda! I CAN\'T HEAR YOU MUTHAFUC*A!"

"*Jason breathes*

"English Muthaf*ca do you speak it?!"

Somehow..that could work..