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Hi, Im New Here - Printable Version

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Hi, Im New Here - travsall - 04-16-2004

A LONG life of enjoying Monty Python, Black Adder and all the finest things England has to offer!

And of course I was just kidding, you slagging lot of bints! :lol:

Hi, Im New Here - JASON11 - 04-16-2004

Hey wats up, welcome Big Grin

Hi, Im New Here - corblimey79 - 04-16-2004

Travis i thought that was funny as hell!!

Hi, Im New Here - Andy - 04-16-2004

Understood you perfectly Trav and It\'s good to have another brit around. Too many damn yanks around here. Just kidding guys. Wink

Oh yeah, Welcome Mike.

Hi, Im New Here - travsall - 04-16-2004

I\'m here to entertain.

Hi, Im New Here - jason8844 - 04-17-2004

welcome to my home o and a word of advice watch out for eddie, just playin i love eddie, in a very very non homosexual way that is.

Hi, Im New Here - travsall - 04-17-2004

Quote:welcome to my home o

:blink: Uhhhh... that wouldn\'t be a Froidian slip now would it? Wink JK!